unwilling prey

post #4320107 post #4360330 post #750063 post #3808087

When the prey character in a vore scenario is clearly expressing their unwillingness to be consumed — be it by expression, body language, actions, and/or dialogue.

Important Note: Tagging "Unwilling Prey"

While most prey in vore art can assumed to be unwilling by default, this tag should be limited to explicit, visible unwillingness on the prey's part.

Remember: Tag What You See, not what you know (or what you can assume).
  • What should NOT be tagged as unwilling_prey
    • Vague struggling bulges on the predator's body, unless given context that the prey is unwilling (i.e. being part of a comic, dialogue, an internal etc.)
    • A character who only seems to be reacting with surprise or mild annoyance to being prey
    • A character who simply hasn't expressed willingness — even if it's logical to assume they're unwilling, unwilling_prey is based on the actual visible content of the post, not what isn't in the post
Unwilling Prey Examples
  • the prey's facial expressions showing fear, anger, horror, or sadness while being or after being consumed
  • Dialogue that involves the prey expressing fear or pain, begging to not be consumed, demanding to be released, crying for help etc.
  • A face imprint on the predator's body, showing a fearful or dismayed expression of the prey, this usually is an open mouthed, yelling face
  • hand imprints or feet imprints that appear to be clawing, punching, kicking, or stretching out the predator's body
  • Violently struggling prey, usually paired with dialogue to reinforce the prey's unwillingness
  • muffled noises that are intended to be screams or muffled cries for help — e.g. "hllph mphh!" (help me!)

Unwilling Prey Tags

Dialogue Themes
  • talking to pred — when the prey character is directly talking to the character who has consumed or is consuming them

Related Tags

See Also

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