balls focus

post #2879831 post #2304755 post #2008251 post #2920421

Balls focus describes when a character's balls are the focal point in an image — while a large amount of the character's body, and especially their face, is visible within the same shot (i.e. not shown in a separate panel of a comic).

This often involves balls taking up a large amount of visual space, with a character shown from a low-angle view or extreme worm's-eye_view, where the balls are essentially "right in the viewer's face". Alternatively the character may be posed in a way, with their crotch (and so, balls) towards the viewer, such as the second and fourth examples. Lighting or texturing or that brings attention to the balls may be used as well.

This usually involves the balls taking up a large amount of visual space, with the character sometimes depicted from a low-angle view and/or from a first person view. In rare cases, an image may show an entire character's body - who may be presenting their balls towards the viewer, with additional attention drawn specifically towards the balls using detail, contrast, lighting, or other visual elements.

Note: for images that depict the balls in close-up, use balls shot instead.

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