Species: ursaluna
Source: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ursaluna_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
Ursaluna (Japanese: ガチグマ Gachiguma) is a dual-type Ground/Normal Pokémon introduced in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
It evolves from Ursaring when exposed to a Peat Block during a full moon. It is the final form of Teddiursa.
Ursaluna is a large, quadrupedal dark brown bear Pokémon with a gray pelt around its back, paws, and round tail. The pelt has 9 rectangle brown spikes on its back and four spikes on each side of its head. The front paws have five claws each while the back paws have three claws. The face is brown with a light yellow circle at the center and a light yellow snout with a small black nose.
Ursaluna's evolution is believed to have been triggered by Ursaring being exposed to the swampy terrain of the Hisui region during a full moon. Ursaluna's physique allows it to travel through the swamps with ease and it can also manipulate the peat soil at will to its advantage. Ursaluna are known to be good at searching for items, and even missing persons, using their sense of smell.
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