null transformation

The removal of one's genitals (penis, testicles, vagina, etc) through non-surgical means, usually magic (like potions) or scientific (like serums).

See also:

  • nullo - A character with both their extenal (and sometimes internal) genitalia removed.
    • nullification - The process of removing genitalia.
      • castration - The gory process of removing the testicles. ("neutering")
        • eunuch - A character that has had their testicles removed ("neutered").
      • penectomy - The gory process of removing the penis.
        • penectomized - A character that has had their penis removed.
  • featureless_crotch - A character with no evidence of genitals having ever been present.
  • nullvember - A 'celebration' of nullos and nullification during the month of November.

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