vaginal tugging

post #2848074 post #3186031

Vaginal tugging describes when the lips of the vulva (known as the labia) are tightly gripped or clings around a penetrating object or body part during vaginal penetration; this tight grip causes the labia to be "tugged" (or pulled along) with the penetrating item/part while pulling out, or as it is pulling away before thrusting back in.

In subtle depictions of vaginal tugging, this involves only the fleshy inner labia (or labia minora) being tugged on. However, in the most visually obvious depictions of this phenomenon, the larger, outer labia majora (and sometimes entire vulva) is shown being pulled along with the penetrating body part or object.

Note: This tag is a slight misnomer, as the vaginal canal is not what is being "pulled out", this would fall under vaginal prolapse.

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