Character: leslie (furfragged)

Leslie is a character created by the artist Furfragged on July 29th, 2015. Similar to Arthur_(furfragged) she was created as an antagonist against the young buck Sino. Leslie undermines the would be stud's attempts to procreate by presenting herself as a willing and demure doe, when in actuality she is an extremely athletic Transwoman who in addition to being unable to get pregnant is more often then not is the only one laying pipe.

Furfragged created about 10 or so images featuring Leslie before not using the character for about 5-6 years; Opting to often depict Sino dominated by various other male characters... especially Arthur. Despite this, Sino is ultimately fated to fall in love with and marry Leslie, perhaps realizing that he does not need to get girls pregnant to be happy and accepting the fact that he enjoys being buttfucked.

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