SCP-2703 is a piece of media from within the mythos of the SCP Foundation website. Its debut story, SCP-2703 — For a Good Time Call, was posted in 2014 by a writer known as Tagliafierro.
SCP-2703 is an advertisement that has manifested in newspaper announcements, local websites, on public restroom doors in the city of Manchester, Britain, United Kingdom. Its message, "For a good time call: 092-791-697-518-6", advertises an apparent phone number, despite the number not following the standard set by the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector under ITU-T Recommendation E.164, The international public telecommunication numbering plan. Due to statements made by Tagliafierro, the number likely follows a standard used in Hindler (SCP-1827-1).
If a person reads an original instance of SCP-2703 (not a photo or other form of copy), comprehends and infers a message from the English text, and enters the number listed into a phone, SCP-2703-1 will be summoned. SCP-2703, along with its summoned entity, are contained as a Euclid-class object by the SCP Foundation. As of an experiment conducted in 2017, SCP-2703 will only manifest on women's public restroom doors and summon SCP-2703-1 if dialed by a female.
Other Tagliafierro creations
- SCP-1827 — A Trap for Turkeys
- SCP-1843 — God of Lambs
- SCP-2115 — Meet Other People
- SCP-2703 — For a Good Time Call
- SCP-2703
- SCP-2703-1
External Links
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