Artist: third-party edit

A blanket term for any image that has been edited by someone other than the original artist.

  • If relevant to the site, the original unedited content is usually kept, and should normally not be flagged for deletion.
  • Only the original artist should be tagged for unofficial edits; see topic #25366.
  • Some artists do not approve of edits to varying degrees of restrictions being posted to eSix; see conditional DNP.
  • Edits of artwork where the original is protected by a Creative Commons license with a "No Derivative Works" right attached (CC-BY-ND or CC-BY-NC-ND) should not be posted to eSix without the explicit permission of the original artist or the current rightsholder. (From the Creative Commons website: "NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.") That means if the original image, video or Flash file has a CC-BY-ND or CC-BY-NC-ND license somewhere in the file and/or within its source webpage (e.g. on DeviantArt or Newgrounds, both of which have their own official CC licensing options for uploads), you cannot share it on eSix without the original artist or current rightsholder's permission because it is a publicly accessible site; you can only keep such edits to yourself.

Types of Third-Party Edits

Meta Edits

Edits that do not change the meaning or themes of the original, unedited image. These edits impact the formatting or meta attributes (e.g. language, censorship) of the media.

Content Edits

Edits that are intended to change the subject matter of the original image, sometimes entirely changing the original image into a distinct creative piece by itself.

See Also

  • photo manipulation - altering real photos in some way
    • photomorph - photo manipulation done to turn a real subject into an anthropomorphic character
  • shopped - edits made for comedic reasons

The following tags are aliased to this tag: 3rd-party-edit, 3rd-party_edit, edit, edited, fan_edit, third-party-edit, third_party_edit (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: censor_removal_edit, color_edit, comic_edit, human_edit, nude_edit, shopped, translation_edit (learn more).

Posts (view all)

post #5324487
post #5324439
post #5323531
post #5322760