Invalid: magenta

Magenta (RGB hex: #FF00FF) is one of three subtractive primary colors alongside yellow and cyan. It can be found on the color wheel in between red and blue. It is often confused for pink, and is essentially the color you get when you take red / pink, and add blue to it. Purple (RGB hex: #800080) is what one would call dark magenta. Despite how well recognized purple is as a color, it is more accurate to call it a shade of magenta than the other way around.

Very light shades of magenta are known as lavender. Lavender is a pinkish color except when it falls into the blue side of magenta. If lavender ends up on the red side, it simply becomes light pink. In medium shades, a blue/purple-leaning magenta is known as fuchsia, while a red/pink-leaning magenta is known as rose.

Magenta is an invalid color and an incomplete tag. Use either purple or pink in combination with the tag being described (e.g. purple_hair, pink_clothing)