
post #4310895 post #4488209 post #4728451

General Muscle Guide

(Short for the grouping of major and inferior pectoralis muscles)

The pectoralis major is a thick, fan-shaped muscle situated at the chest (anterior) of the body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast in the female.

It is responsible for arm rotation as well as contributing to abduction and flexion functions of the shoulder joint.
The pectoralis major also anchors the arm to the torso.

Easily visible in males, well developed pecs in characters with breasts will usually only be visible as a deep crease between the left and right halves of the pectoralis major. (See "pecs_with_breasts")

If a character's pecs are well developed and visible in a post then it should be tagged.

Size and appearance

Muscular Scale

Not Muscular|Muscular

Not to be confused with

Related tags

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: bara_tiddies, bara_tiddy, peccs, pecks, pectoral, pectorals (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: between_pecs, big_pecs, head_between_pecs, multi_pec, multi_pecs, pec_grab, pec_markings, pecjob, presenting_pecs (learn more).

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