Character: surprise (pre-g4)

post #532325 post #384120

A female pegasus from 1st generation of My Little Pony. She has white fur, purple eyes, yellow hair.

Surprise is a mischievous sort. She is utterly loud and hyper and often shouts her own name when doing the unexpected. She is the basis for the Friendship is Magic incarnation of Pinkie Pie, and is frequently drawn as a sort of "recolored Pinkie Pie with wings".

  • Note that although this is an official My Little Pony character, this is not to be tagged with friendship_is_magic, even if it is in the same style. Likewise this is not to be tagged fan character either.
  • There is an official FIM character named Surprise, a wonderbolt made to resemble this character. They should not both be tagged on the same image in most cases.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: surprise_(mlp) (learn more).

This tag implicates my_little_pony (learn more).

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