Species: siamese

post #2104719 post #2327920 post #1763858

The Siamese is a breed of shorthair cat with almond-shaped eyes, a triangular head, large ears, and a slim body.

Genetically speaking, the Siamese is the same breed as the Oriental Shorthair, and both breeds can be registered from the same litter. The distinguishing factor of Siamese is their colorpoint coat and blue eyes.

This tag is often misused to mean all colorpoint cats, which is a common misconception as the gene is associated heavily with the breed to the point that one of its alleles shares its name. However, colorpoint can be present in any cat breed, and is common in multiple.

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: siamese_cat (learn more).

This tag implicates domestic_cat (learn more).

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