Lore: nonbinary (lore) (locked)

Non-binary characters are characters whose gender isn't exclusively male or female. A non-binary gender generally has nothing to do with anatomy, and as such the TWYS system can't sufficiently determine whether or not a character is non-binary.

Examples of non-binary identities are agender, gender-fluid, bigender, maverique, demigirl/demiboy, and pangender.

Examples of culturally non-binary identities are fa'afafine, hijra, māhū, two-spirit, tumtum, ay'lonit, and saris.

As it's not possible to physically identify a character as non-binary, this tag should only be used if the author and/or character owner publicly states that the character is non-binary. However, in terms of non-original characters from other media, it is the artist's interpretation that overrides canon. So in these cases, the tag can be applied even if the character owner does not publicly state the character is non-binary.

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: enby, non-binary, non-binary_(lore), non_binary, non_binary_(lore), nonbinary (learn more).

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