weight gain

Weight Gain describes images where a character is shown to have gotten fatter in some way.

Weight gain can be explicitly depicted in a sequence of images, a comic, or an animation where a character becomes fatter, it can also be implied by dialogue, a character showing surprise, pleasure or dismay at an apparently sudden/rapid change in weight. Weight gain can also be implied, for example, by an overweight character wearing tight/ripped clothing surrounded by empty food containers or half-eaten food. Weight Gain is oftentimes depicted as the result of stuffing or vore scenarios.

Not to be confused with expansion, where specific parts of a character's body usually expands through unexplained or supernatural means. However, if weight gain involves specific parts of the character's body gaining noticeably more mass alongside the rest of the body tags such as breast_expansion or butt_expansion can be applied.


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: fattening, weight_gan (learn more).

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