Burping is the release through the mouth of excess gases and swallowed air that have built up in the stomach. Burping is especially common in images featuring stuffing, weight gain, and vore; it may also indicate the character is drunk.
How Burping Is Depicted
When represented visually, burps are often are communicated by onomatopoeia or (non-onomatopoeic) sound effects, ranging from straightforward "burp" or "urp" to a wide variety of more creative and evocative onomatopoeia like "bworp" "bwarp" "hooorp" etc. Burps may be simply written out in a speech bubble indistinguishable from dialogue, or they may be written larger or outside of the speech bubble - text conveying burping is sometimes creatively drawn to evoke the sound of the burp, ie increasing or decreasing in size mid-word to imply the volume of the burp, or the letters drawn to be wavy.
Visual Effects and Body Language
Burping sound effects are often paired with bubbles, squeans and emanating lines around the text, and/or character burping, potentially with a visible burp cloud escaping the character's mouth, as with other bodily noises, especially farting, burps are frequently associated with the colour green, and may be written in green or within a green cloud of gas.
Symbols such as the bubbles, squeans and emanating lines can be used with or without written words to convey burping. A character's pose or expression can also visually imply or reinforce the act of burping - such as having a character pounding their chest with a fist, covering their mouth as they burp, or having puffed cheeks from the gas filling their mouth.
A combination, or all of the above, can be seen in a single image.
Burping Tags
Related Tags
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: belch, belching, burp (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: cum_burp (learn more).