pride colors

Colors intended to show pride in and support of particular identities and interests, generally used among the LGBTQ+ community and some kink communities. Pride colors were originally displayed on flags, but the distinctive designs are often applied to non-flag objects. Most pride flags use an arrangement of stripes with meaning attached to each color, but some may feature additional symbols, or simply display a symbol and background of certain colors.


Pride-themed tags

Tagging standards

This tag does apply when:

  • Colors are arranged in the exact sequence of a flag.
  • Colors don't fully match a flag due to the object being only partially seen, but can be reasonably assumed to finish the full pattern.
  • Colors are arranged in a similar sequence, as long as context indicates it's related.

This tag doesn't apply when:

  • Some of the colors don't match and there's no distinct intent to mimic the flag, even if they happen to be arranged in a similar sequence.
  • The colors are present but not arranged in a matching pattern. This still includes when those colors/wearables are being used as a symbol of pride, as long as they can't be actively distinguished as such.

Two examples where the pride_color_wristband tag could be considered:
post #3450627 — This rainbow wristband exactly matches the six-stripe rainbow flag; the tag does apply.
post #994197 — This rainbow wristband lacks an orange stripe and has two green stripes, not matching any rainbow flag; the tag does not apply.

Three examples where pride_color_lineup could be considered:
post #13634 — These characters are fully colored to match the six-stripe rainbow flag, and are arranged the same; the tag does apply.
post #2294386 — These characters vary in how much of each color they have, which wouldn't necessarily count on its own, but the background is also set up to showcase how their colors match the six-stripe rainbow flag; the tag does apply.
post #94303 — These characters are primarily colored to match the six-stripe rainbow flag, and are arranged the same other than a white dog in the middle. This is a partial grey area, but due to that character being an intrusion amidst the other six, the tag does apply.

Three examples where the pride_color_markings tag could be considered:
post #1028240 — This character's colors mostly match the trans flag, but feature an extra blue, and there's no intent to arrange the markings in any fashion that mimics the flag; the tag does not apply.
post #3201371 — This character's colors mostly match the bi flag, and the markings are arranged to match it exactly; the tag does apply.
post #2661142 — This character's colors entirely match the nonbinary flag, but the white stripe has been skipped to counterbalance the white on the bulk of the body. This is a grey area, but due to committing to only using the colors of the flag and doing the same for the background, the tag does apply.

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: pride_color, pride_colour, pride_colours, pride_flag (learn more).

This tag implicates lgbt_pride (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: agender_pride_colors, aromantic_pride_colors, asexual_pride_colors, bisexual_pride_colors, demiboy_pride_colors, demigirl_pride_colors, demiromantic_pride_colors, demisexual_pride_colors, genderfluid_pride_colors, genderqueer_pride_colors, lesbian_pride_colors, nonbinary_pride_colors, omnisexual_pride_colors, pansexual_pride_colors, pride_color_background, pride_color_clothing, pride_color_collar, pride_color_collar_tag, queer_pride_colors, rainbow_pride_colors, rainbow_pride_flag, straight_ally_colors, transgender_pride_colors, vincian_pride_colors (learn more).

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post #5322654
post #5322101
post #5320999
post #5320800