howto:sites and sources - q to z

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Sites listed below


Independent artwork platform serving as a successor to the original
Favorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Although this site is a successor to, it is not a revival of it, and thus doesn't have any of the original website's files.
  • The site launched in 2020, but was taken down at the beginning of 2022 due to the webmaster's personal life interfering. It has been relaunched in 2024 with all the original undeleted accounts and much of the original files intact.
  • The site has a dedicated button on the footer of every page to save an archive of it on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
  • Direct images cannot be easily viewed even though the site loads the full image; there is no dedicated option to view the direct image and right-clicking only provides two options in the context menu: "Save image as..." and "Copy image". Viewhance cannot force media inlining for such, and clicking and dragging the image to a new tab is not possible. The only way to access the direct image is to inspect the HTML element for the image, select the image URL in the element, and then either copy-paste and enter it into your browser's address bar or drag the selected text into a new tab. (Alternately, on Chromium browsers, users can head into the Sources tab in their developer tools and find the image through there.)
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page:<username>/gallery/<submission-title>

Direct image:<24 hexadecimal characters>


Homepage - Wiki page
Furry art gallery and social network
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • No resolution or file size limits are stated anywhere.
  • To get the best version, press Download.
URL format

Artist page:


Submission page:<submission ID>/

Direct image:<submission ID>

Preview:<submission ID>

Thumbnail:<submission ID>


Steam Community homepage - Wiki page
Computer game digital distribution platform and social network developed by Valve Corporation
Not recommended as an art source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • The Steam Community has artwork sections for its users to submit fan art, memes, GIFs, et cetera of the many games and apps sold on Steam.
  • There are methods that allow users to submit any GIF or PNG images to the Steam Community. This guide features one.
  • To view an image directly, click on an image post in a game or app's community page and the image will show in an in-page window. From there, click on the image in the window to open it in a new browser tab or window.
URL format

User page:<custom link set by user>/

Game/app's community images page:<app ID number>/images/

Submission page:<submission ID number>

Direct image:<base 10 digits>/<hexadecimal digits>/


Original character database, art gallery, trading and roleplaying site
Semi-favorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • This site is primarily designed for the creation, management, sharing and trading of original characters (including fan characters).
  • While the site maintains the original quality of uploads, it has a low maximum file size of just 4 MB.
  • To view or download an image directly from a gallery, click on its thumbnail in an artist's or character's gallery, then right-click the image.
    • If you're just viewing an individual image page, then you only need to right-click.
URL format

User page:<username>
  • A user's art gallery adds /art at the end of the URL. Keep reading for why this matters.

Character page:<character id number>.<character-name>
  • A character's art gallery adds /gallery at the end of the URL. Keep reading for why this matters.

Submission page:<art ID number>
  • Alternately, #<art ID number> is added to the URLs of a user's art gallery, a character's page, or a character's gallery. However, the standard submission page format is preferred.

Direct image:<art ID number>_<alphanumeric characters>.<filetype>
  • Watermarked images replace images in the URL with watermarks. Changing watermarks to images does not remove the watermark.


Art gallery dedicated to transformations
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Transfur's content policy states that its artists "are expected to show a basic knowledge of anatomy and artistic skills" in their images and must have their images be presentable for public display, such as being properly scanned or digitally made. Thus, most images meet eSix's own minimum quality standards.
  • However, images on Transfur have a maximum resolution of 1500 by 1500 pixels, and any images that are uploaded are downscaled to be 1500 pixels in its longest dimension. Since the site has a limited scope and reach, most artists will have galleries elsewhere where a better version of their images are provided.
  • Right-click on an image to view it directly or download it.
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page:<username>/Submissions/<submission number>
  • /<page number> is added at the end for specific pages in a multi-image submission.

Direct image:<username>/Images/<file name; may contain spaces>.<filetype>

Thumbnail:<username>/Thumbnails/<thumbnail number>
  • Spaces appear as %20 in copied URLs.


Web-based list-making and project management software
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • From a user's page, just click on an image to view it. From a board, click on a card with an image, then click the image to view it. Click on "Open in new tab" to view it directly.
URL format

User page:<username>

Project board:<eight alphanumeric characters>/<board-name>

Project card:<eight alphanumeric characters>/<card-name>

Direct image:<hexadecimal (base 16) characters>/<more hexadecimal characters>/<even more hexadecimal characters>/image.<filetype>


Homepage - Wiki page - User script
Microblogging and social networking service
Unfavorable source for direct uploads
Direct uploads whitelisted (but not recommended)
  • On August 9, 2018, Tumblr disabled direct access to all _raw (original quality) images. Currently, the best variation directly available is _1280.png/_1280.jpg for images posted before October 21, 2019. Images posted from October 21, 2019 onward don't seem to be restricted anymore, but requires calculating resolutions based on the 2:3 aspect ratio and are resampled regardless. See the URL format section below for more info.
  • Another change that happened at this time is that Tumblr does convert some PNG files into JPG, but keeps the file extension the same similarly to sites like Fur Affinity.
  • Currently, the only known way to retrieve any "_raw" image from Tumblr is to request for your own Tumblr blog(s) to be exported as a backup (see RAW method section below).
    • Backups are for your entire Tumblr blog, including reblogs, drafts, private posts, flagged posts, any other hidden posts.[source] Media files within those posts will be retrieved.

RAW method

Of particular interest to us is that posts you reblogged will allow you to retrieve the "_raw" versions of the pictures they contain via your Tumblr blog's solicited backup. Thus, you can, theoretically, get the original version of any picture that was uploaded to Tumblr. If the post in question is still online, reblogging it is obviously trivial. There is, however, still a way to retrieve deleted posts. You might have noticed that posts remain in the Tumblr blogs of people who reblogged it, even if the original post was deleted. With judicious use of search engines and archive sites (especially, you can find those reblogs of deleted posts and use them to reblog them yourself. Presto, now that post and its contents, including the "_raw" image, will be present in your solicited backup.

  • To request a backup of one of your blogs, go to Settings, then under "BLOGS" on the sidebar, click on the blog you want to export to view its settings page. The URL format for a blog's settings is:<blog-name>
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the "Export" option, then click on the "Export <blog-name>" button. The settings page will then say that it's processing your blog's export. When Tumblr processes your backup, they will send you an email with a link to your blog's settings announcing that your blog is ready to download in the form of a compressed ZIP file. Head to the blog's settings, scroll down to "Export" and click the "Download backup" button to download the ZIP backup to your device. Extract the ZIP file to retrieve your content. All of your blog's images and videos, including those reblogged from other blogs, will be under a folder titled "media".
Notes and Tips
  • There is no limit on how many times you can request a backup, although you can only have one backup processed at a time.
  • If numerous Tumblr users have recently requested for their blogs to be exported, then it could take hours or even days for Tumblr to handle your export request. During this wait, you can continue making and reblogging more posts to your blog, which will be added to your backup export when Tumblr gets around to processing it.
  • Windows users, you may have a problem with viewing and extracting the content using File Explorer if the backup came after a long wait for it to process. The contents of the ZIP folder may appear to be blank when viewing it, while extracting the contents of the folder may give you an error message saying, "Windows cannot complete the extraction. The Compressed (zipped) folder '<path-to-file>\<filename>.zip' is invalid." You may have to use a third-party file archiver and extractor such as 7-Zip to view and extract the ZIP folder.
  • If you use a Tumblr blog for its intended purpose, consider making a secondary blog solely for the purposes of reblogging posts containing images and videos that you intend to download to your device.
  • To save time reblogging posts, install New XKit to your browser and use the New XKit extension "One-Click Postage". Make sure you set the default blog to reblog to when you use this extension.
    • It's also recommended that you have the following One-Click Postage options enabled:
      • The experimental feature "Enable QuickReblog and QuickQueue on top right corner when I visit blogs" (under Shortcuts) – This adds a set of buttons on the top-right corner of a post's page for the purposes of quickly reblogging, queuing, or drafting posts. Note that this feature may not work on certain blogs.
      • "Enable AlreadyReblogged for posts I reblog, queue or draft" – AlreadyReblogged tracks which posts you have already queued, drafted, or reblogged to your blog.
      • "Turn the reblog button green after a successful reblog/queue/draft" (under Notifications) – Exactly what it says on the tin.
  • If you want to keep your reblogged posts private, draft reblogs instead; backups include drafts.
    • The aforementioned One-Click Postage extension in New XKit is particularly useful for this, as it will save you a lot of time in making drafts of reblogs.
  • Remember to delete posts and drafts from your blog if you don't need them anymore! It will save you a lot of time, drive space, and data on your data plan when downloading new backups of your blog.
    • If you've been making backups of a Tumblr blog for a long while, you might experience increasing longer backup processing over time for that blog, eventually reaching the point of taking days for a backup to be processed. If this happens, just create a new blog and delete the old one. (If necessary, try to get the old blog's posts and drafts shifted over to the new blog first before you delete the old blog.)
Old RAW instructions (kept for historical purposes)

WARNING! Contrary to popular belief, _1280.png/_1280.jpg does NOT give you the highest quality version of posts made after December 2012!

  • Replacing _XXX in the URL with _raw manually gives you the best version.
    • For images uploaded before December 2012, changing the prefix to either data or a will give you the best version.
    • If you get an "Access denied" or a "404" page, you also have to remove the two numbers and dot at the beginning of the URL (between \http:// and media) as well as change media to data to see the full size image. If you're getting a SSL error, do one of the following:
      • Simply bypass it.
      • Change https into http.
      • Add before data in the URL.
      • Change data to a.
    • _raw.png/_raw.jpg always stores the highest quality version available. Even if the resolution of the non-raw file fits under preview image limits (1280x1920 for _1280), it's always resaved from the raw version, which will cause a hash mismatch with the raw version, which will cause e621's duplicate detection to not work properly. Preview JPGs are also usually resaved in a lower-quality than the raw version. To help make sure you and other users are uploading the best version, always ensure that the image's URL/filename has _raw.
    • Old _inline images are slightly different, however. Posts made before March 2015 lack any form of _XXX in their URLs and were limited to a maximum width of 500px. Posts after March 2015 now work like normal tumblr files.
  • As of December 17, 2018, all sexual illustrated content (photos, videos, GIFs, and artwork) are no longer allowed on Tumblr. Pre-existing adult content are privatized. (See forum #265854.)
  • Videos are not directly downloadable; see the other and tools sections on the main howto:sites and sources page. Make sure the video doesn't have _480 or _720 in it, and in the URL simply remove the part before downloading to get the highest resolution.
  • As Tumblr allows users to completely customize their page's layout, sometimes things are in completely different places or hidden altogether. To make browsing and finding individual posts easier, use archive mode. If not linked on the page, manually go to:
  • Even if a user's blog or specific posts have been deleted, direct URLs of their images will still work. However, direct URLs cannot be accessed from deleted posts if you didn't already get them from before their deletion.
URL format

Artist page:


Submission page:

Notes on submission pages
  • /<start-of-the-text-in-post> is optional.
  • If a post redirects to the safe mode screen (the one that says, "This Tumblr may contain sensitive media," and has a link to open the blog with flagged posts in your dashboard), add /embed at the end of the URL to get around it and view the post. (This only works for posts that have not been flagged.)

Image page (Tumblr image viewer, not the direct image):

https://<blog-name><post string>
Notes on image pages
  • To view an image in Tumblr's image viewer, which puts an image in a gallery view on a plain blue background, left-click on a post's image (if it's a single-image post) or change post from the submission page URL to image. Note that this seems to only load the first image of a post.
  • As of October 21, 2019, this method seems to retrieve larger resampled images than before (see new direct image URL below), although this only applies to newer posts. However, the original images still cannot be viewed directly.

Direct image (old images):

https://<one of the prefixes below><Raw MD5>/tumblr_<???>_<resolution>.<filetype>
  • Direct image prefixes:
    • <two numbers>.media
    • data
    • a
  • NOTICE! Direct image URL does not contain the original page ID, so always remember to add this to the sources field when using direct upload!
  • <Raw MD5> does not directly match with GIF files.

Direct image (new images, October 21, 2019 onward):

https://<two numbers><Raw MD5?>/<another hexadecimal hash>-<two hexadecimal numbers>/s<sample width>x<sample height>/<resample image's SHA-1?>.png
Notes on current direct images
  • The s<sample width>x<sample height> portion is based on the 2:3 aspect ratio. This means that <sample height> will be 1.5 times that of <sample width>.
  • You can use any sample size you want as long as it fits the 2:3 method with whole numbers. Even setting it to s2x3 bizarrely works, although that will obviously give you a very tiny image. However, s0x0 will not work to get the original, unlike with the s0 method for Blogger (Blogspot). It's recommended that for getting Tumblr images to upload to eSix, you use s15000x22500 for the largest image (even though it's very unlikely that you'll get an image that hits eSix's maximum resolution limits).
    • Please note that such images are still resampled; JPEGs will be affected by quality loss.
  • Note that the SHA-1(?) will change between different sizes, so just changing s<sample width>x<sample height> will not automatically give you a larger image.
  • Also note that changing the direct image URL will redirect you to a preview page that puts the image in the center of a black background with a Tumblr logo on the upper-left corner, "Log in" and "Sign up" buttons on the upper-right (even if you are already logged into your Tumblr account), a link to the blog that has the image above the image itself, a link to a tag used for the image underneath it, and buttons to the Tumblr app's store pages on the App Store and Google Play at the bottom. You can still access the direct image itself from here by right-clicking on it, although again the SHA-1(?) will change from the preview page, which interestingly has a consistent SHA-1(?) no matter what sample widths and heights you give it.

VCL (defunct)

Early furry-centric image and story archive
Website offline
Direct uploads no longer possible
  • One of the earliest furry art repositories on the Internet, opened in 1995.
  • The servers for VCL silently went offline in October 2023. An archive of the entire site (minus descriptions and dates) is available at .
URL format

Artist page:<artist-name>/

Direct image:<artist-name>(/<folder (if applicable)>)/<filename>.<filetype>
  • Artists were able to organize their work into folders, which could be nested. As such, a direct image URL may contain multiple folders between the artist name and the filename.


Art-focused social networking service in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • This site prohibits "violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic [and] sexually suggestive" content.
  • Site uses Facebook Connect.
  • All images uploaded to Virink are converted to 90 quality JPEG format.
  • Click on the post's thumbnail to view the best version. Posts can have multiple images that are scrolled through
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page:<art ID #>

Direct image:<last two digits of a year>/<month in two digits (01 to 12)>/<day in two digits (01 to 31)>/<32 hexadecimal characters>.jpg

VK (VKontakte)

Homepage - Wiki page
Social networking service popular in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Images uploaded to VK photo posts are converted to 96 quality JPEG format. However, the site stores PNG images when they're used as comments to posts.
  • The maximum resolution of images on VK is 2560 by 2048.[source]
  • Click on the image in a post or photo album to view the best version. Right-click to download or view it directly.
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page:<owner_id>_<photo_id>
  • Other parameters may be present.

Old direct image:<six numbers>/v<nine numbers>/<hexadecimal (base 16) numbers>/<assortment of numbers, letters, and sometimes underscores>.jpg

Current direct image:

https://sun<6 or 9>-<number from 2 to 72><random assortment of characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and even slashes>/<eleven characters, including alphanumeric characters and underscores>.jpg?size=<width>x<height>&quality=96&sign=<32 hexadecimal characters>&type=album
  • Removing any of the parameters after .jpg (except for &type=album) or changing the values of them will lead to a 403 Forbidden page.
  • Both the old and current prefix of the direct image URL has been whitelisted; changing the current prefix (sun<6 or 9>-<number from 2 to 72>) to the old one (pp) still loads the image, though this is no longer necessary to upload to eSix.


Homepage - Wiki page
Furry art gallery and social network
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Flash content sometimes has cover art that the user must click on in order to enable the Flash file.
  • To get the best version, click either "Download" or the image itself.
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page:<username>/submissions/<submission #>/<submission-name>

Direct image:<username>/submissions/<submission #>/<64 hexadecimal characters>/<username>-<submission-name>.<filetype>

Weibo (微博)

Homepage - Wiki page
Social media platform popular in China
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted (needs a minor workaround)
  • To obtain the original resolution, open the image in a new tab and replace whatever is written between the slashes after with original.
URL format

Artist page:<user ID>

Submission page:<user ID>/<alphanumeric string>

Direct image:

https://wx<number><alphanumeric string>.jpg

WildDream Art

Chinese furry art gallery
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Right click on an image to view it directly or click on the "Share" button to see the image URL.
    • Artists may disable the ability for users to right-click on the submission page to view images directly. The image URL will be hidden and the message "You can not view the image link because the author has disabled the right mouse button." will appear after clicking on "Share" on such submissions.
URL format

Artist page:<user ID number>

Submission page:<work number>

Direct image:<number>/preview/<work number>.jpg
  • Note that all images end with .jpg, even those that are actually PNGs.

X (formerly Twitter)

Homepage - Wiki pages for Twitter and X - User script
Microblogging and social networking service
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • While X (formerly named and still widely referred to as Twitter) can host true PNG files, most content gets converted into 84 quality JPEGs upon upload, and the JPEG's chroma is subsampled to a ratio of 4:2:0, leading to a further loss in quality and color information. Avoid X / Twitter as a source unless it's the only source, a PNG, or in a much higher resolution than other sources.
    • As of December 10, 2019, JPEG files are stored at original quality under the orig size as long as the image doesn't use EXIF rotation; the change only affects new posts (formerly "tweets"). The change does not affect PNG files; see below for more detail on PNG files.
  • As of February 11, 2019, PNG images of larger sizes, especially PNG-24 and PNG-32 formats, are now converted to JPEG format at 85% JFIF quality. Using the transparency workaround no longer works, as transparent backgrounds will be given a white background upon conversion to JPEG. The specific details are:
    • PNG-8 images will never be converted to JPEG, regardless of file size or resolution.
    • PNG-24 and PNG-32 images will not be converted to JPEG if the image's resolution does not exceed 900 pixels in either dimension (width or height).
    • PNG-24 and PNG-32 images with a higher resolution than 900×900 will be converted to JPEG unless the conversion will result in a larger file size.
    • PNG images with 256 colors or less are converted into PNG-8 to preserve their original quality.
  • To get the original size, change the size format in the URL (...&name=<size>) to orig or, if you are using the older X / Twitter layout, add :orig at the end of an image's URL.
    • X / Twitter does save PNG versions of images as well, usually without any extension (i.e. :large), however, these are almost always lower resolution and/or converted from a JPEG version and thus usually not wanted.
  • Videos are not directly downloadable; see the other and tools sections on the main howto:sites and sources page. X / Twitter stores several different quality versions, so make sure to download the highest quality.
    • GIFs are always converted into compressed MP4 files that loop. Turning these back into GIF files will result in an insane amount of bloating and with WebM the quality stays subpar. If no other sources are available, a WebM conversion is preferred.
    • Videos are converted to compressed MP4 files, only short videos loop.
  • If you're only searching for media files uploaded by an artist, click media. For older content and content from a specific time frame, utilize X's advanced search page.
URL format

Artist page:<artist>

Tweet link:<artist>/status/<status ID>

Alternate tweet link:<status ID>

Direct image (Modern, after 2019):<media ID>?format=<filetype>&name=<size>

Direct image (Legacy)[source] :<media ID>.<filetype>:<size>
  • NOTICE! Direct image URL does not contain the original page ID, so always remember to add this to the sources field when uploading directly!
  • Keep the <filetype> always the same as what can be gotten from submission page!
  • Either Modern or Legacy format should be supported, simply make sure that the image size format is always orig
Reverse searching
  • Can often, but not always, be found with Google reverse image search.


Homepage - Wiki page
Video sharing website owned by Google
Common source for videos, semi-favorable source for images in a channel's community post, unfavorable source for thumbnail images
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • YouTube does not allow any explicit content outside of educational usage! Even unlisted/private videos are in danger of getting removed by automatic algorithms or user flags.
  • Videos not directly downloadable, see the tools section on the main howto:sites and sources page.
  • YouTube automatically converts videos into several formats for compatibility. By default, YouTube uses WebM VP9 for content where it's available and browsers that support it. For e621, the preferred version to have is the highest available resolution of the VP9 video with Opus audio. The most advanced tool, which many other programs also include, is youtube-dl.
    • Avoid using online tools and browser add-ons. Many of these do not allow selecting streams and default to MP4 or another non-WebM format, which is not supported by e621, and converting the file causes quality loss.
URL format

Channel page:<andle>
  • At the end of the URL, add /videos for all a channel's videos, /shorts for its YouTube Shorts, /playlists for its playlists, /community for its community posts, /channels for related channels, and /about for its about page (including links to other websites).

Video page:<videoID>

YouTube Shorts video page:<shortID>

Thumbnails (best quality):<videoID>/maxresdefault.jpg

Community post:<36 alphanumeric characters>

Community post direct image:<random string of alphanumeric characters plus hyphens and underscores>=<image parameters>
  • The image parameters determine the image's quality as well as other changes to the image such as cropping. Directly loading an image in a new tab will not get the best quality, and removing the parameters (and the equal sign before them) will load a downscaled image. Changing the parameters at the end (after the equal sign) to just s0 retrieves the best quality.

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[See also: howto:sites and sources - a to h and i to p]