post #2443148 post #676384 post #2044427 post #3113084
A male-bodied character with a feminine presentation in regard to personality, clothing, and/or body type (sans breasts).
This tag is only to be used on gender norm-breaking male-bodied (male, maleherm, and andromorph) characters. Never use the femboy tag for ambiguous_gender, female, herm, or gynomorph characters, even if the character is canonically male.
See also:
- crossdressing
- male_(lore) - use this if a character cannot be tagged male under TWYS
- tomboy - for masculine-presenting female bodied characters
- femboy_hooters
The following tags are aliased to this tag: dominant_femboy, effeminate, fem-boy, fem_boy, femboi, femboy/female, femboy/male, femboy_on_female, femboy_on_male, femboys, feminine_male, femmeboy, girly, girly/female, girly/male, girly_boi, girly_boy, girlyboi, girlyboy, otoko_no_ko, sissy, sissy_boy, twink (learn more).