Species: zafara (neopets)

One of the Neopet species, resembling a cross between a lop and a Chinese dragon. Depicted as bipeds, Zafara possess long ears (usually drooping), powerful legs with large feet, a long tail ending in a fin, a svelte form, and cream- or yellow-colored fur on their front from their crotch to their chin.

The species was originally created by a Neopets player for a create-a-pet contest early in the game's life.

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absurd_res ambiguous_gender anthro asian_clothing big_diaper blue_body blue_fur bodily_fluids cherry_blossom cherry_blossom_tree cherry_tree clothing diaper diaper_fetish diaper_under_clothing east_asian_clothing feces flower footwear fruit_tree fur genital_fluids green_eyes hair hi_res huge_diaper hyper_diaper japan japanese_clothing japanese_fan looking_at_viewer moss neopet_(species) neopets onomatopoeia pampers personal_grooming plant pooping prunus_(flower) river rock sandals shoes signature soiled_diaper soiling soiling_diaper solo sound_effects steam stink_fumes styled_hair styling_hair temple text tongue tongue_out tree tripledeckerxia unclean_diaper urine used_diaper wet_diaper wetting wetting_diaper yellow_body yellow_fur zafara_(neopets)
2015 2n2n absolutely_everyone acara_(neopets) aisha_(neopets) ambiguous_gender amphibian anus arthropod avian bird blumaroo bori_(neopets) bovid bovine bruce_(neopets) buzz_(neopets) canid canine chia_(neopets) chomby_(neopets) cybunny dinosaur draik_(neopets) elephante elephantid equid equine eyrie_(neopets) felid feline feral fish flotsam flotsam_(neopets) frog gelert_(neopets) gnorbu_(neopets) grarrl group grundo hissi_(neopets) insect ixi_(neopets) jetsam_(neopets) jubjub kacheek kacheek_(neopets) kau_(neopets) kiko_(neopets) koi_(neopets) korbat kougra krawk_(neopets) kyrii lagomorph large_group lenny_(neopets) lupe_(neopets) lutari mammal marine meerca moehog mustelid musteline mynci_(neopets) neopet_(species) neopets nimmo_(neopets) ogrin_(neopets) peophin_(neopets) poogle prehistoric_species primate proboscidean pteri_(neopets) quiggle reptile ruki_(neopets) scalie scorchio_(neopets) shoyru simple_background skeith sketch_page techo tonu_(neopets) traditional_media_(artwork) tuskaninny uni_(neopets) usul_(neopets) white_background wocky_(neopets) x_anus xweetok yurble zafara_(neopets)
ambiguous_gender anthro biped bipedal_feral chest_tuft collar crush_(artist) feral hi_res neopet_(species) neopets solo tail tuft zafara_(neopets)
amber_williams ambiguous_gender anthro blue_body blue_fur blue_hair clothed clothing fur gloves hair handwear neopet_(species) neopets nude open_mouth pink_nose solo tail tentacles zafara_(neopets)