
post #2628576 post #257067 post #2992773 post #1376496

A plushie is a type of stuffed toy. Plushies are sewn from cloth, plush, or other textiles, and stuffed with straw, beans, plastic pellets, cotton, synthetic fibers, or other similar materials. Stuffed toys are also known as plush toys (U.S. English) from plush, the outer material used, and soft toys or cuddly toys (British English).

Plushies may take any shape, and are not limited to just stuffed animals.

Species tagging

  • Plushies do not typically get species tags.
    • Instead of regular species tags, plushie-specific species tags are to be used instead.
  • A living plushie should receive both a species tag, and a plushie species tag.
  • Copyrighted species tend to receive both a species tag, and a plushie species tag.

Remember to tag inanimate_object when the plushie doesn't appear to be alive.

Plushie features

Plushies should be treated similarly to how feral is treated with regards to certain concepts (presence of hair, clothing, breasts, etc.) by having tags specifically for these features.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: plush, plush_doll, plush_toy, plushes, plushies, plushy, stuffed_animal, stuffed_animals, stuffed_toy (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: holding_plushie, hugging_plushie, living_plushie, plushophilia, teddy_bear (learn more).

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