
Indoors, the interior of a building, a scene set within an enclosed structure with four walls and a roof. The opposite of outside.

Tagging Notes
  • This is tagged by viewpoint, the location of the characters is irrelevant — for example, if the viewpoint is from inside of a house, looking out through a window, the post should be tagged as inside
  • Not to be confused with internal — this describes an interior view of a body
Rooms/Indoors Locations

These tags describe locations that can be the setting for an inside scene

Residences (Houses/Apartments)

Note 1: some tags can apply to locations in a residence or a public/commercial space (e.g. library, which can describe a home library room or public library)
Note 2: some tags can apply to an interior space AND describe the structure itself (e.g. restaurant or store)

Structural Features

These should only be tagged if visible and important to the post, see these tags for more information and related tags...

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: indoor, indoors, interior, room (learn more).

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post #5323486
post #5323471
post #5323432
post #5323427