Artist: adolf hitler (artist)

Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933–45. During his reign as Führer of Germany, Hitler's Nazi party disseminated a racist ideology, and perpetrated the mass-genocide of Jews and other minorities. He is widely considered to be one of the worst monsters in human history.

In his youth, Hitler aspired to be a professional artist, and produced between 300 and 600 paintings during his lifetime. However, he was twice rejected by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and his artwork (consisting primarily of buildings and landscapes) was dismissed as soulless and uninspired. Hitler's failure to become an artist is sometimes (jokingly) cited as his motivation for becoming a genocidal dictator.

Hitler was not primarily a furry artist, but he is credited with at least four sketches of dogs, which used to be viewable here.

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