Character: matt riskely

Matthew "Matt" Riskely is a male dog character created by tinydeerguy (a.k.a. thesepantsdontfit and misterbobisme). He thinks he is smarter that he really is and always tries to be the center of attention.

He is sexually attracted to women and men, and sometimes has sexual relations with Riley, though she has no interest in marrying him. He has shown some interest in Darwin, but Darwin is asexual and does not reciprocate. Matt has pantsed and teased Darwin, but Darwin keeps him around as a roommate despite the tensions. Darwin does have to act as a surrogate parent at times due to Matt's irresponsibility: Matt gets overly drunk and also does antics like doing naked "cannonballs" in very much non-nudist swimming pools.

Matt is sexually and emotionally interested in classic men's underwear, essentially classic briefs and traditional boxer briefs in solid, understated colors.

Matt is the only tinydeerguy character to have a surname, though tinydeerguy himself doesn't like Matt's surname. Matt represents tinydeerguy's more adventurous and sexual side (think of the "id").

In high school he had a pet (non-anthro) dog, Daisuke. He was also in a relationship with a lady.

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