Species: bovine
post #510143 post #1599749 post #1414617 post #1328703 post #241355
A diverse subfamily of the family bovidae consisting of 10 genera, varying in shape and size. Some animals within this subfamily are also considered antelopes and thus will be included in the taxonomic list. This subfamily includes the well-known bison and cow, but also includes lesser-known animals like the eland and nyala. The genera and species are listed below.
Genera and species:
- bovidae
General anatomy
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The following tags are aliased to this tag: bovines, ox, oxen (learn more).
This tag implicates bovid (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aurochs, banteng, bison, bovine_humanoid, bovine_taur, brahmin_(fallout), cape_buffalo, cattle, four-horned_antelope, gaur, gayal, holstaurus, kouprey, minotaur, mooshroom, nilgai, saola, sky_bison, spiral-horned_antelope, tauren, true_buffalo, werebovine, wild_yak, yak (learn more).
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