Copyright: blue dragon (series)
Blue Dragon is a video game franchise originally based on a design by Final Fantasy series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. The franchise spawned three video games, two mangas, and an anime spanning two seasons. The video games were developed by the independent video game developer Mistwalker, and the anime was produced by the Japanese animation company Pierrot, and licensed by Viz Media.
Playable / Main characters
- jiro_(blue_dragon)
- kluke
- marumaro
- shu_(blue_dragon) - The main protagonist
- zola_(blue_dragon)
Shadows in the Blue Dragon universe are manifestations of magic that take the form of corporeal creatures. Characters that can manifest shadows are called shadow-wielders.
- blue_dragon_(character) - The mascot character and the shadow creature manifested by the character Shu.
- killer_bat_(blue_dragon) - The shadow creature manifested by the character Zola.
- phoenix_(blue_dragon) - The shadow creature manifested by the character Kluke.
- saber_tiger_(blue_dragon) - The shadow creature manifested by the character Marumaro.
- rudolph_(blue_dragon) - Character debuted in anime, and has a human and dragon form.