e621:user record (locked)


Note: This page is outdated and needs work.

The user record is an indicator of how good of a user you basically are with either a positive :), neutral :|, or negative :( score.

Positive Records

Last, a positive score. A positive user record means you do good things for the site, like correctly flagging posts correctly, tagging uploads well, and being helpful in general.

List of Some Possible Reasons for Receiving a Positive Record
  • Beneficially helping out the site in some way
  • Being polite and civil to other users
    • Avoiding site drama (directly and indirectly)
  • Constructive tagging, such as:
    • Ensuring that all uploads contain the basic tags and respect our policy towards tagging, i.e. at least 10 general tags without including implications (for example any fetishes present or any various body/background tags), alongside the artist, the source, and any characters along with their respective species tags.
    • The projects found in forum #18467
Neutral Records
Remember: A neutral score is not a negative mark

Neutral records can be viewed as a method of letting other Staff (and users) know that a user has been notified about a particular area of their interactions with e621, and can be given for both helpful (constructive tagging, reporting site issues), or destructive (tag vandalizing, insulting other users) behaviour.

List of Some Possible Reasons for Receiving a Neutral Record
  • Doing any of the aforementioned actions listed in the Negative Record list at least once (the first time)
  • As an alternative to DMailing the User; especially if the problem is recurrent, but minor
Negative Records

A negative score means you've done something a site moderator or admin would deem as irresponsible or malicious towards the site. If you get too many negative marks on your score (usually 2-3 or higher), you become more susceptible to being banned, depending on the degree of the offense(s).

List of Some Possible Reasons for Receiving a Negative Record
  • Continually uploading artwork from artists that are currently on the avoid posting list
    • This includes purposefully removing the tags or sources (urls) on a post
    • As well as intentional posting of artwork that has previously been deleted for being DNP (Do Not Post)
  • Tag/Pool vandalization
    • Which includes repeatedly removing/adding tags that another user has added. If you think a tag may be incorrect, make a point about it in the comments, or submit a ticket if the user makes a habit of adding incorrect tags
  • Refusal to be civil and/or polite in the comments towards other users (which includes 'creepy' commenting, overly-explicit role-playing, spamming, and advertising)
  • Ban evasion

User records are only allowed to be added or removed by moderators, and can be added or removed by one at any time, for any reason with good reason.

See also