tag group:nudity

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A list of nudity-based tags. Note that nude should only be tagged if a character is not wearing anything at all.

This is a list dedicated to tags pertaining to different states of nudity (i.e. bottomless, topless, mostly_nude), naked activities or actions done in the nude (i.e. assisted_exposure, streaking, skinny_dipping), and any other tags pertaining to nudity.


Tag webs to integrate:
-1 tag connected to a bunch of other tags.
-don't remove an entry unless the whole web has been integrated to the wiki and put into appropriate tag groups
-probably best if the user that posts the tag works on its web(leave a name next to a web if you're still working on it)


Partial Nudity (Do not tag as nude)

Nudity & Setting

Activities and Actions


Variants of 'clothed/nude'

Note that some of these tags are currently unpopulated, as specified by an * next to the tag. Please remove this asterisk from any tags that have since become populated.

See also

Forum discussion
  • forum #183087 - Tag Alias: clothed_female_nude_male -> cfnm (Feb. 2016)

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