elberik and shayla the pink mouse created by shane nelson
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Shayla opened her eyes. She was reclined in a chair. When she tried to sit up she found her hands and feet were tied down. A draft brought her attention to the complete absence of clothing on her body. Not quite, something resembling panties covered her groin except it felt like two dildos had been stuffed into both her passages. He mouth was similarly filled with something hard that tasted of rubber. She tried forcing the intruders out but they held fast. Just as she was beginning to wonder how she ended up here, she heard a door open behind and someone walked in, pushing what sounded like a heavy cart.

As the person came into view, Shayla saw it was a rabbit girl pushing what appeared to be a water cooler on wheels with three hoses coiled up on the sides.

“We don’t have much time before the party,” said the rabbit as she uncoiled the hoses, “so I’m gonna have to get you hooked up and run.” Shayla tried to ask what was going on but the phallus in her mouth reduced her speech to a series of grunts. The rabbit looked up from attaching two of the hoses to ports between Shayla’s legs.

“I’m so glad you’re able to help us with the party,” she said, attaching the third hose to Shayla’s mouth gag, “no one else around here was willing or able to handle the drinks for tonight.” With that she returned to the cart and pressed a button on a keypad at the base of the tank. A motor started up and the hoses twitched as liquid began to flow through them.

Shayla jumped and twisted as she felt cool liquid flow into both her ass and pussy. The sensation itself wasn’t anything particularly new, but the size of the tank before her brought a worried look to her eyes. Noticing her expression, the rabbit girl smiled,

“Oh don’t give me that look. Everyone knows your reputation around here. Besides, there’s a pressure sensor built in so there’s no reason to be concerned. Just you relax and let it all in- oh, sorry, I forgot about this last one.” She reached down and turned a knob above the third hose. A moment later Shayla’s mouth was filled with- fruit punch? As she began swallowing Shayla watched the rabbit reach beneath the tank and produce a white gallon-sized jug. She unscrewed a cap at the top of the main tank and carefully secured the jug so that its contents would flow in as the tank emptied. Shayla was at first puzzled with the rabbit’s actions but realization dawned as a far more familiar flavor became mixed in with the fruit punch. Again reading her face the rabbit continued,

“It wouldn’t be a proper party without our special blend. I just have to add the final ingredient.” She reached into a pocket and produced a bottle a bit smaller than a coke bottle. She unscrewed the cap and emptied it into another opening on the main tank before closing it up and stepping back. “I’ll check back on you in a bit. Again, thank you so much for helping out.” She patted Shayla’s belly, already beginning to swell. Once the rabbit was gone, Shayla looked back over to the tank. The jug atop it was making glugging sounds as its contents poured into the reservoir, adding a salty taste to the fruity cocktail. At first Shayla was curious about third component, but then her body began to warm up.

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