holly zanzibar created by shy-rotam and warfaremachine
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Some semi-original art for once! I have been just a little obsessed with this character recently after picking up the game Haydee 2 (was going cheap on steam with the announcement of Haydee 3). The game itself is fun, a metroidvania style 3rd person puzzle/shooter, but the game has 'outfit' options that allow modders to add new characters in to play as. Someone added this lovely cyber-bun, Holly 'Hornet' Zanzibar to the workshop, and running around for hours trying to figure out the puzzles was made a lot more pleasant having Holly to look at :P So yeah, I HAD to make some art of her!

This piece was created in Adobe Illustrator, using photo references of the model itself posed in a way that helped me get the right perspective. Really happy with how it turned out.

Holly Zanzibar is the creation of mrwarfaremachine. I highly recommend checking out his page, he has created a lot of high quality models that he has made available in Blender and SFM.

Absurd Res version: https://www.deviantart.com/shy-rota.....art/1169985988

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