mythology and etc created by rapistwerewolf
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The transitionary stage in Bagon’s evolutionary line is busy conserving energy in order to make its final transformation. Due to this, it is solitary and rather inactive, spending most of its time in caverns. However, its armor does have convenient openings at either end of its body. This unfortunately ends up working in other Pokemon’s favor; strong Pokemon that find Shelgon can end up using its body without too much resistance. While Shelgon are by no means weak, they are slow and don’t like to expend too much energy, and so their round body can end up being a free use slab of dragon meat for Pokemon they cannot defeat or outrun. Thanks to their powerful defense, they can take quite a pounding on their small but sturdy legs.

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  • Comments
  • This is the exact reason why I love this series: terribly underlewded pokemon like Shelgon are represented.

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