master tigress and rosie the riveter (kung fu panda and etc) created by alytarch
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Final Day of Tigress week

  • Comments
  • Wait, Tigress Week is a thing and I discovered it on the last day? There's always next year! Peak art, too.

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  • umbrelievable said:
    Wait, Tigress Week is a thing and I discovered it on the last day? There's always next year! Peak art, too.

    Tigress week is a thing as of one week ago when i decided it was :)

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  • The image of "Rosie the Riveter" is often mistakenly associated with another woman depicted on a propaganda poster of the time, "We Can Do It!"

    "We Can Do It!"
    The poster was believed to be based on a black-and-white photograph of a Michigan worker named Geraldine Doyle. However, in 2015 it was revealed that the poster was based on a photograph of 20-year-old Naomi Parker

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