kindle, penny, voyoh, girl, lilith, and etc (sibling showdown and etc) created by sefeiren
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  • Comments
  • xxxmisterxxx said:
    I believe the two of them are hoping that more will happen.

    Who knows, they might just get it. Just not in the way they planned. Kindle is radiating alpha energy.

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    sunray04 said:

    Why we disliking this guy? He is not lying lol

    Not surprising it's happening considering its irrelevant to the art and common enough that some take the time out of their day to vote on a comment as a means of harmlessly expressing their opinion/reaction.

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  • sunray04 said:

    Why we disliking this guy? He is not lying lol

    Because this isn't youtube where everyone get to comment here first. That stays over at youtube.

    As for the art piece. The twin really liking the new alpha Kindle

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