plants vs. zombies and etc created by annaengine
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Hello! Today we're ranking PVZ2 Plants but since talking about them would be boring, I'm gonna draw porn of them first and THEN rank them!
Now we're gonna rank the plants that came in first on the last poll: Premium Lobbing Plants!

Sap-Fling: (B Rank)
A plant that deals no damage being this high in ranking?! Sap-Fling is a support plant, and she's good at it! At first you might think that ice plants are just better, and given that Sap-Fling's sap doesn't stack with chill, you might have a point. But she does synergize with fire plants and short-range plants, or anything other than ice plants really. She's the best!

Apple Mortar: (B Rank)
At first, he's just a slightly better and cheaper Threepeater, but you'd be half-right there. Apple Mortar also offers great supporting damage with his brief, but significant stun, allowing other plants to get more hits in. And if you stack him, you'll see that the zombies will have a lot of trouble advancing, especially if you're also slowing them on top of it.

Blooming Heart: (D Rank)
If you offered me a plant that deals more damage the more they hit a zombie, I wouldn't think it would be bad... But it is! While Blooming Heart can deal a lot of damage, she takes way too long to reach that damage output, which by the time it's done, the zombie's already gone or the damage wasn't enough to kill it and now it's too late to deal with it!

Stickybomb Rice: (S Rank)
The thing with Stickybomb Rice is that she can do a lot of things at once. She can attack adjacent lanes, she can stall zombies, she can attack behind her, she can deal splash damage and her attacks can't be reflected, like at all! And the best part is, her plant-food is actually good due to how powerful her normal rice-bombs are!

Buttercup: (C Rank)
Buttercup's decent at her job. She requires to be eaten in order to attack, but she is good at stalling zombies with her butter, at least. Her key strenght is how disposable she is, you'll put her in a spot knowing that she'll get eaten, but she will slow down the zombies that go near her for a while... Unless you use Aloe, then she will stall them for a long time.

Don't agree with the rankings? Make your case then! Who knows? Maybe you'll actually change my mind and I'll update the rankings!
Oh, and if you want separate pics of the plants instead of the whole group, check out my twitter!

These plants were voted on by the community! Keep an eye out for any active polls and cast your vote! ;3

  • Comments
  • Tbh the reason of sapfling's rating is pretty true, if you try to pair up fire pea + snow pea you just wasted a seed slot and a bunch of sun on a combo that doesn't even work since fire pea melts the ice causing zombies to be able to move again

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  • iceeslurpee said:
    Tbh the reason of sapfling's rating is pretty true, if you try to pair up fire pea + snow pea you just wasted a seed slot and a bunch of sun on a combo that doesn't even work since fire pea melts the ice causing zombies to be able to move again

    She's a way better option than, let's say, Winter-Melon. Exchanging the damage for a fraction of the cost, making her much easier to set up as a support plant.
    And if you're playing on Frostbite Caves, then you should always bring Sap-Fling! She makes herself very valuable in the world where zombies are immune to chill effects.

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  • annaengine said:
    She's a way better option than, let's say, Winter-Melon. Exchanging the damage for a fraction of the cost, making her much easier to set up as a support plant.
    And if you're playing on Frostbite Caves, then you should always bring Sap-Fling! She makes herself very valuable in the world where zombies are immune to chill effects.

    I actually used sap-fling + fire pea to be carried through frostbite caves cause i realized bonk choy is not reliable in those kinda gimmicky worlds

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