Me: Idk who that is, but they sure look like a cunt.
J: Definitely a Suizahn
Me: Oh they fucking wish they were. But unfortunately, it's just a random cunt. An enby, starry water cunt.
J: It's them isn't it
Me: It's them
M: Remind me, who’s them?
Me: A character in Mitten and Tabris' story. They have a name but it's not as relevant as the fact they're a cunt.
M: Ah ok. Yeah I remember them. They were a cunt.
Anyway. Looking out for one's kids also means ensuring they have healthy bloodlines of their own. If it can let Mitten tie up some loose ends with her old enemy, then it's two birds with one stone. Is this canon to the overall narrative of this nsfw lore? Idk, just had the idea to include Alyosha in there. How'd they end up in Hell? Uh, i guess there's free travel between realms in this continuity. If Hell's going to use Angel incubators for their eggs, they'll need to capture new ones at some point.
Her kids are a bit overdressed for Hell settings but know what, it's part of the charm. They're chaotic. Just in case I have to specify, they're all adults. Their names aren't too relevant but if you wanna know, here you've got Moby (pink), Lunis (blue) and Crowell (grey).
Alyosha's not interesting in nsfw contexts. Don't expect them to return. Though if I do make a Heaven version of this scenario, but more fleshed out than last time, they might be involved.
Also I hope the difference between Lingo and Angelic is clear enough with the typography alone? Tried doing something with the drop shadow too, but it might be too subtle. Mitten and Alyosha are speaking Angelic (save for profanity), the other three don't.
MemberKinky! They’re in for a “fun” time. XD
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