rouphtiff (nintendo and etc) created by therealaisek
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Lexus: "FUCK NO I'M CUMMING! AHHH!!!!!!"

Lexus screamed as she let out her mindblowing orgasm. but this match was not over as Rouphtiff had to hold her orgasm for at least 5 more seconds before being declared the winner.

Rouphtiff: *I am so close. I got to hold it*

The Announcers counted down as Rouphtiff held on to her orgasm.
Rouphtiff: "AHHH!!!!"

The time hit zero as Rouphtiff lets out her massive orgasm inside Lexus
Lexus: "Shit it too much!!"
Lexus unwilling let out a second orgasm knocking her out.

Once their orgasm was over Rouphtiff got up and waved to the crowd. The announcers Val the Raichu and Cass the Charizard said

Val- "I still can't believe what I saw, but we have our winner today, sexfight fans."
Cass- "Lexus win streak ends, and Rouphtiff gains one her biggest wins yet."
Val- "Well, sexfight fans, if you want inspiration, then there you go, but for us, its time to go."
Cass- "Goodbye sexfight fans. My name Cass."
Val- "And my name is Val, and we will see you next time."

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