rouphtiff (nintendo and etc) created by therealaisek
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Rouphtiff the Iron Midnight Lycanroc and Lexus the Thunder Thighs Luxray face off in a long sexfight. The sexfight was intense, Lexus gave Rouphtiff two mindblowing orgasms, Rouphtiff made a comeback giving Lexus two mindblowing orgasm. Both exhausted girls were on their last legs, Rouphtiff and Lexus glared at each other.

Lexus- "Y-You're better..... than... I t-thought,.... but...your.... l-luck.... is out..."
Rouphtiff- "I-It's.... not luck.... t-that's... beating you,... i-It's...skill...."
Lexus- "W-Well, ...let's see.... I-I...challenge... you... to a.... helix... this... round...."
Rouphtiff- "V-Very well...., I-I agree...get...over... here...I-I... can't... your... pussy...."

Both girls go into a helix deal devastating thrusts to each other pussies. Over an hour pass, Rouphtiff and Lexus were screaming after each devastating thrust, their strength was failing them as they we getting sleepy. Rouphtiff and Lexus felt their meaty cocks throb and twitch. The Audience cheered as the helix was still going, Rouphtiff and Lexus cock were visibly pulsing,

Rouphtiff: *I so close! I can't hold it much longer!*
Lexus: *Fuck! I'm at my limit, I going to cum any second!*

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