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there are two types of people in this world - people who loathe flying, and people who have not flown enough to realize how much they loathe it (you can probably guess which one he is)

shiraume model made by:
SFX pack:
NSFW VA pack:

HQ NSFW version available here:

  • Comments
  • smh Bass-Boosted forgor to use a parachute

    Wonder if they're still gonna fuck with an open door considering they're at a fairly low attitude. Living life on a high note I see.

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  • I love how when Bass-Boosted soldier shows up the frames get choppy as if he's living at his own pace which can explain his desensitized attitude.

    I don't know why I went in depth as if this is a piece of art Which of course it is. if you couldn't tell i love both the artist and the Bass-Boosted soldier.

    (Sorry for the long ass rant)

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  • Seriously though on that topic I remember being at the airport with some family at the x-ray machines, my cousin jokes to the guy asking how they know he doesn't have a bomb hidden up his ass and the guy shoots back with "watch your mouth kid cause the way we check isn't pleasant"

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  • Time… Doctor Turbo? Is it really that time, again?
    It seems as if you only just posted. You've done great animations in only a small time-span. You've done so well, in fact, since you’ve received some interesting suggestions from your fans.

    Ordinarily, you wouldn't read them but these are extraordinary times.

    Rather than offer you the illusion of free will, I will take the liberty of pressuring you... if and when your time comes round again to… show us that… mal0 pussy, if you will…

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  • "I saw my good friend Jack Ayers at the airport but made the mistake of yelling, hi."

    That joke aside, my day is always brightened by the G.O.A.T. of cockblocking!!!

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  • "The fact that we took the miracle of flight and turned it into the most miserable experience's down right inspiring."

    That's wisdom...

    2:03 And he immediately gets William Shatner's attention.

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  • confusedwaterdemon said:
    smh Bass-Boosted forgor to use a parachute

    Wonder if they're still gonna fuck with an open door considering they're at a fairly low attitude. Living life on a high note I see.

    At least he wasn't wearing a cape.

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  • Doing approvals, I just skim and do stuff fast because there's huge queue that's constantly piling up.
    But these, I close rest of the tabs, sip alcoholic beverage and enjoy.

    I would actually give money to be in these over getting porn commissions.

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  • mairo said:
    Doing approvals, I just skim and do stuff fast because there's huge queue that's constantly piling up.
    But these, I close rest of the tabs, sip alcoholic beverage and enjoy.

    I would actually give money to be in these over getting porn commissions.

    It's the satire we don't deserve, but absolutely needed.

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  • Love how it seems intuitive to make the googles do eyes expressions on any character wearing a whole helmet.

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  • Was kinda hoping that the hostess Shiarume would have offered him a blow job too if made him calm down. Really though, bass-boosted soldier is having a rough strike of rotten luck lately and I feel really bad for him. Someone get this dude laid before he snaps & pulls a Uni-Bomber or something.

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