Two wolves Kyash and Kibble faced off in a pin or submit, no holds barred match. The strong confident Kyash had a huge size and power advantage, which he quickly used to throw his opponent into a one-handed choke pin. The referee immediately started the three-count, and it looked as if it was curtains for the scrappy underdog. As the world started spinning from the tight vice around his neck, Kibble's legs involuntarily kicked out in a desperate last-ditch attempt to escape defeat...and snatched victory against all odds. With the smaller wrestler's fragrant, sweat-drenched left foot pressed into his heaving muzzle, Kyash instantly became stupefied, and as his eyes rolled back amid a helpless musk-filled trance, he released his hold on Kibble's neck. A few seconds more and the towering wolf sank down onto his knees, completely zonked and limp. Kibble didn't let up for even a moment, keeping the dumb hunk subdued with his warm pawpads while his other foot teased the hefty singlet tent that had formed. The referee was stunned at the turn of events; this certainly wasn't a traditional pin or a decisive knockout, so he was unsure whether to call the match or give the drooling lug a chance to snap out of his stupor and continue fighting. But when the moaning wrestler shot a messy load into his singlet, he knew it was over. Ding ding!
MemberDamn, I’d get distracted too
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