dusk and silth vendriks (mythology) created by demalyxdragon
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Hallowed Confrontation

“You will NOT be doing that to me again!” Dusk exclaimed, slamming the door to Silth’s chamber as the snake snickered and peered up at her.

“Hmm? To what might you be referring, my dear Dusk.” She asked slowly, smiling as Dusk stomped her way over to the sitting serpent.

“I will not be your plaything again this year! You caught me off guard last year, but I will NOT be subjected to that again!” Dusk huffed, giving Silth a firm, long glare as the snake began to pull herself up from where she sat.

“Ohh? But you had so much fun last time, you and that lovely individual that came upon our little ‘engagement’, and I haven’t heard any amount of complaining up until now. What has you suddenly so against a little night of unrestricted pleasure?” Silth asked, her form beginning to be licked by golden flame, her arms and legs burning with arching power as her form began to grow in front of the huffy drolf.

“That’s because I thought it was a one time thing!” Dusk retorted, grumbling loudly even as a bit of crimson began to show along her cheeks, “I thought you got the better of me and had your fun! But now I have this nagging feeling in my head that I got to return here in a month ‘just because’ and I’ve been under enough influences to know that’s NOT my thought, and I demand you remove your little ‘hook’ in me this instant!” Dusk growled, stamping her foot again with her arms pressed behind her back, chest puffed forward as the flames continued to lick along Silth’s body.

“Ohh…you’re going to come into my place of residence, and make demands of me? How truly adorable, you know every seed I plant is born of one's already existing desires. Is it really my fault you have this sudden craving, this itch to be under my sway again? You just said it yourself, you’re ohh so well versed in being placed under other peoples thrall.” Silth chuckled, as the flames flowed all the way up her body, before finally overtaking the entirety of her form. In a flash, her transformation finalized itself, with her black ‘charred’ legs and hands with glowing, burning tips, and her black glowing eyes peering down at the slightly stammering drolf as she did her best to keep her composure while staring at Silth’s now fully demonic state. The serpent would snicker to herself softly, as the golden flames cascaded down from her form, licking along Dusk’s clothing as the drolf hrmfed and continued to scowl at her.

“You hush! My feelings toward such things are still QUITE conflicted! You will not-hay!” Dusk exclaimed, before flailing as the golden flames caught fire along her outfit. She tried to bap and slap them out, but as she did they seemed to only catch more, flowing down her chosen attire before licking all the way down her body. She HRMFFED! An annoyed growl as they spiraled all the way down her legs, before flicking off harmlessly and fading into the air, but they left her body completely bare and nude, something she now noticed the snake in front of her was also sporting.

“HOw dare you! That was one of my favorite outfits!” Dusk yelled, her focus going right back to Silth as the snake grinned a ‘harmless’ grin.

“Ohh? Was it now? Then why did my flames seem to sense your desire in it being removed? They would have left you alone otherwise you know.” Silth teased, a hand moving up to her chest as the other rested on her hip.

“I, you, YOU ARE NOT TAKING ME SERIOUSLY!” Dusk growled at her, her pose falling back to her annoyed frustrated one as she shoved her chest forward. She inadvertently shoved it right into Silth’s, the pair's bosoms squishing against one another as neither was willing to give any ground to the other, as Dusk glared daggers into Silth’s glimmering golden eyes.

“I will NOT be ignored when I am RIGHT in front of you! Remove this frustrating mental hook right now! I will NOT be your damn succubus toy another year! Go pick on anyone else!” Dusk growled, teeth slowly baring as Silth simply held her gaze as she said her piece. The pair continued to lock their eyes together, the chandelier above them seeming to burn overhead, casting down a flickering, shifting light that seemed to glint and sparkle off of the golden sheen within Silth’s slitted irises.

“I can feel your nipples against my own, my dear Dusk, I know what you’re truly asking for.” Silth’s grin never fell from her cheeks, as Dusk’s own reddened all the deeper as she stamped her foot again.

“N-No! NO shush I, I am not here for that! I am here to get my mind back! D-don’t you THINK about it!” Dusk huffed, her hands continuing to be balled into fists but her eyes tried to look away from Silths. But as they did, they always jerked back, her mind not wanting to let her out of its sight! Who knows what she’d do! She had to keep an eye on her, regardless of how dangerous it likely was to keep doing so after she realized what Silth was most assuredly doing. But, she had to keep her from doing that by holding her in her gaze!

“Think about what dear? I’m not saying anything.” Silth responded slowly, her eyes fixed on Dusk’s, golden sheen glinting in dark red hues. The golden color reflecting in Dusk’s eyes, it’s glint almost seemed to flicker like a fire, as Dusk stopped trying to look away from Silth and fully focused as much as she could on the snake's slitted pupils.

“Y-you know what you’re doing, y-you know! Y-you stop that! You, don’t you d-dare!” Dusk huffed, her hands beginning to relax as her shoulders fell. Her body shuddered as Silth wrapped her tail around the back of it, rattling the spiked end of it softly as she snickered, gently drifting a hand to Dusk’s lips.

“Shh-shshshshhhhhh my dear, don’t you worry. I know what you are here for.” She exclaimed quietly, a soothing, rich voice coming from her throat as Dusk shuddered again.

“I-I, I want, I want the hook removed, I-I will not..I..” Dusk stammered, huffing with the blush growing on her features. The flame within her eyes began to spark, the golden sheen glinting more and more as her body continued to relax. “N-nooo d-don’t, y-you…nnn..”

“Ssshhhhhh it’s ok. I’m doing as you ask. I’m pulling that hook right on out…making sure it’s nice and fully removed…” Silth said softly, her hand drifting along Dusk’s muzzle to rub under her chin. A murrrrr escaped Dusk’s throat, a low huff coming from her as her eyes stayed fully locked on to Silth’s.

“Y-yes I…I want it..gone..yes…” Dusk murmured, groaning again as Silth pushed her other hand around Dusk’s waste, pulling them closer together and squishing their chests that much more firmly as the snake gave a soft, hissing chuckle.

“Yesss, making sure it is good and gone…as it turns out, I have a little event that I was going to be partaking in, and they offered me a plus one to come along with me…I didn’t really have anyone fully in mind myself. A few of my ‘colleagues’ here I thought about, but, I think you’d make much more of a perfect ‘accessory’ to bring along with me. What do you say, hmm?” Silth asked slowly, letting every word drip and fall from her mouth as she said it. Her hands moved all along Dusk’s body now, drifting along her back, rubbing along the base of her wings. Giving a soft squeeze to her rear causing the drolf to mrff and groan as she continued to stare deeply into the snake's golden glinting eyes. The gilded flame burned brightly within Dusk’s own at this point, and her growling expression fully drifted to a smile, her cheeks as red as they’d ever been as she leaned against Silth and gave her the smallest of nods.

“Y-yes mistress… I-I’ll follow you wherever you want me.” Dusk responded softly, her body shuddering as Silth’s tail pressed between her legs, rattling against her folds as Dusk’s thighs shook and jiggled with its presence. “I-I am, yours to play with.”

“Excccceellent.” Silth snickered, before she’d gesture for Dusk to follow her. “Let's get you properly changed for the occasion. We can’t have you looking improper in front of all the other guests.” Silth then guided Dusk off into a back changing room, keeping their eyes steadily locked together as she did, and began to work the Drolf over completely.

Silth was in fact bringing them to a fancy party, one with quite the esteemed clientele. So she had to make sure Dusk looked the part…and would make sure of many other things along with it, as she got the drolf and herself fully ‘dressed up’ for the next evening full of fun. She would have quite the ‘accessory’ brought along with her to this event for sure, and Silth couldn’t wait to see all the patrons' reactions to her.

ANNDD here's the main thing for this little posting spree ; v ; a VERY fun image I got from DemalyxDragon not to long ago! This is going to be used as the start of a series!...but I put a lot of 'effort' into this story so the rest of the series (like so many in my gallery, I'm up to three now heeckkkk ; v ; weeps into the infinite) will be posted as I get to writing it all out! I got everything storyboarded!...I just, need to write as I always need to do ^^; one of these days I will be able to just do the writing, one of these dayysss. continues to hope the medication will do what it needs to if/when I'm able to get some.

BUT, glad to get this all out though, I REALLY enjoyed writing this one >//>; this subject matter is just soo goood and I just, heck I love it a lot ; v; am excited to get to the rest of the parts of this along with the rest of everything else too! When I can sum up energy once again and push past the 'this shouldn't be here' start up cost xD. Hope you like this 'initial teaser' of whats to come though! REally enjoy this image myself and as stated, hella enjoyed the story to boot! ; v ; (I've actually been enjoying all my stories that I've been creating as of the past while but like, this on I REALLY liked XD fhaah).

Original: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56702909/

Art by DemalyxDragon

Silth and Dusk are mine!

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