doran (mythology) created by prettyparty
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"No Apology Good Enough [2/2]" - 2020

Doran makes a friend at work! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Part 1:



Doran sighed as he turned the lock on the cafe door, making sure it was safely secured for the night. Today was a decent work day, despite the couple who wanted to overstay their welcome in the shop for a whole thirty minutes after closing. There was a sweet kid who occasionally came in that only wanted to talk about books and adventure, going on about his dreams of working in some library and politely asking Doran about his hobbies. He even seemed genuinely interested in the responses! The kid - whose name was Leo he had learned - was a rare pleasant customer to have, saying his 'please & thank you's and tipping fairly. It was pretty sad that this was the low bar Doran had come to expect from decent customers, but still he was happy to have the company sometimes.

Tallie generally stayed with him during a closing shift, offering to walk him home on days he was feeling more nervous, but she had a prior appointment earlier so today he was alone, unless-

"Evening, babe~" a deep, masculine voice drawled.

Doran couldn't help but tense as he heard his large boyfriend call to him. He really should have known by now. Bulle had been making it a point to pick him up after work lately, and no matter what Doran may have wanted to do, after that it was always straight to his room - straight to his bed...

Tugging one last time on the cafe door, Doran turned around slowly. He kept his eyes downcast, knowing what was to soon come. "Bulle... hi," he replied quietly.

It was a life he may already be used to, though he couldn't help but still be anxious about every encounter.

Bulle mocked surprise and hurt as he said "Doran baby, c'mon, that any way to treat the love of your life? Thought you'd be happier to see me after such a long day at work?" Bulle closed the remaining gap between them, pulling the much smaller dragon close to his body, preventing any hope for Doran's escape with his firm holding hands. Not that there was much hope remaining for that in the first place.

Doran stayed silent, so Bulle continued with "oh, I forgot! You have a new boyfriend keeping you company, isn't that right?"

"W-what?" Doran looked up at Bulle now, genuinely confused at what he could be talking about.

"Oh, of course you know, that little orange book lover that comes by here every so often. You mean you haven't noticed how he looks at you? He's been flirting so much, it almost makes ME blush. I was actually thinking of paying him a visit, seeing if he was suitable enough to be in your company. What was the little guy's name again, Leo? I believe he lives in some dormitories not too far from here actually...~"

Doran had completely frozen. It took every ounce of his will to keep his breathing steady and prevent himself from hyperventilating. "H-he's not! We're not- please don't..." Doran gulped a few panicked breathes of air and began pleading with his 'partner', who was still restraining him with large arms. "Please, please, please don't- I'm not interested in him at all, he's got nothing to do with this! Don't hurt him, please don't hurt him Bulle, please..."

Smiling a smile that only struck terrible fear into Doran, Bulle let go of his captive and bent down to whisper in his small victim's ear, "Don't you worry. I won't even be touching him. It will all be you, my love..."


The orange dragon Leo was adopted by someone who went by RoonyMonster, but they were nice enough to let me continue using the character for my own purposes <3

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