saga and sassy saddles (friendship is magic and etc) created by icaron
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Volunteer Model


Saga trots slowly up through the mist of the brisk autumn morning to the door of the newly opened Canterlot Boutique, holding a flyer beneath her wing. She glances down at it idly in the dawn’s light and then looks back toward the door, pondering if she should even bother with this. The Boutique was asking for volunteer models, with a reward of a free dress. It was just for fun, chance of a nice dress, doesn’t matter if she was turned away for having less than no experience! Certainly couldn’t hurt- With that thought she pushes through the door of the boutique, a small bell chiming above her as she steps inside.

She gazes around the immaculate interior, glitteringly polished floors, and beautiful architecture inside. A number of dress forms stood silently in alcoves around the wall, with a single one empty. Where were all the dresses…? She wondered as movement caught her eye. A tall, impeccably fashionable, and blue furred mare backed up through a brightly coloured curtain pulling a cart of hanging dresses along with her, each one shimmering in the lowly light that filtered in through the windows.

The mare stops in her tracks, turning to see the green Pegasus standing in the shop.

“What are you doing here? We don’t open until eight. It’s seven thirty.” She states flatly, looking monumentally unamused by the unannounced visitor.

“Oh… Really? My apologies, my clock must be fast.” Saga replies, ruffling her wings and turning to head out.

“Wait, are you here about the flyer?” The tall mare asks, noting the paper that Saga held with her.

“Well, um, yes! Yes, I saw it the other day and thought… you know, why not… and-“

“Excellent! Please come right this way!” The mare perks up with strange speed, motioning Saga to follow.
“I’m Sassy Saddles, manager of the Boutique! Though I’m sure you knew that already.”

Saga didn’t, but nods along, following in. “I’m Saga! So, do you want me to try out some poses, or…”

“Nonono, you’ll do just fine. Please, stand right here.” Sassy states, pulling a book from a nearby shelf and shuffling through the pages.

“Oh! Really…?” Saga blinked, moving to stand in the spot.

“Mmhmm.” Sassy replies distracted, before her horn alights in a warm yellowish glow, casting that glittering aura out and around Saga in a rough circle.

“Er, what’s the magic for?” The Pegasus asks, seeming rather confused.

“All just part of the modelling! Now try to hold still until you no longer have to, if you would please.”

Before Saga could reply in questioning she found herself mired in the magic, held in place by its spectral force as three long needles appeared in front of her eyes, glittering in the light of magic. Like a flash they zip into movement and pierce the skin of her hind hooves! What should have been painful though was but a tingling warm discomfort, even so causing a great dismay in the pony.

“W-wha! What are you doing?” She whinnies.

“Dear, please, I said hold still.” Sassy replies, tightening the grip of her magic to hold the Pegasus in place as the needles begin to poke their way up the mare’s legs, pulling a brown thread with them.

As the stich progressed over her hind hooves, they were drained of most of their colour, hoof and fur giving way to a strange canvas like fabric that crept upward, stitch by stich, stiffening her legs as it went along. The third needle pricks its point just above her tail, stitching its way up along her spine and dragging the fabric covering with it. She shivers in the grip of the magic, thrashing quickly and desperately in an attempt to make her way out of the glowing ring of magic- without much success.

Her hind legs seem to stretch out stiffly and lock in place, try as she might she was now unable to force them to bend. Stitches now made their way all the way up her flanks, prick after prick; her cutie marks both vanished beneath the creeping canvas cloth that was slowly enveloping her in the spell. The needles flit through the air, replenished with thread to ply their magic upon her wings and over her chest.

“G-gah! Stop! Please!” Saga feebly waves her hooves, trying to swat the needles away to no avail. This was wrong, not what she expected, not what any pony would expect!

“It’ll stop when it’s done.” Sassy replies flatly, channeling the spell with greater speed and efficiency.
The spell forces her wings out rigidly as feathers give way to cloth, her belly and chest following suit as the needles continue their march. She feels a fuzzy sensation inside her as her hind limbs and body begin to fill with densely packed cotton stuffing, gagging lightly as it wells up in the back of her throat when the needles move upward. Her forelegs involuntarily spread forward, stock still against her will as they’re sewn into the encroaching cloth.

Sassy nods, looking over her work as she floats the mare upward off the ground and slides a metal post beneath her. Saga’s eyes widen with fright as she’s dropped heavily onto the pole, impaling her fluff filled body and leaving her atop the post like a plush carousel horse.

“A-ah! What are you doing to me!” Saga practically shouts, her voice hoarse and raspy from the cotton that lurked behind it.

“Shh, do be quiet, you’re nearly done. No need to say a word.” Sassy laughs lightly, moving the needle in front of Saga’s muzzle. In a flash it threads through her lips painlessly and stitches them together, flesh merging into the featureless cotton muzzle of a dress form.

“Mnnph! Mnngggh!” She mumbles, garbled by the stiches and the upwelling of cotton that now filled her mouth and muzzle from within.

“Oh, nearly forgot, won’t be needing these!” Sassy muses aloud as she pulls Saga’s tail and wings right from her rigid body as if they had only been held on by metal clasps— which now would be the case. She sets them to the side in a small pile.

Saga shakes her body with all the strength that remains, succeeding only in rocking the metallic base a bit into a wobble from her perch atop it. Her voice now completely gone, she could only watch as the cloth slides and stitches up over her face, locking her head in its position and obscuring her vision. She could see slightly, but her sight was muddled and shrouded darkly beyond as if she were staring through thin fabric, stuck forward in gaze. She feels her mane removed in a similar fashion to her tail and wings as the last of the magic smooths any remaining uniqueness and features from her face and body, settling into its now inert and inanimate form.

Sassy reaches up with a hoof as she closes her book, the glow fading away from her horn and the needles vanishing. She gives the cheek of the dress form a pat, speaking softly.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be put to good use- thank you for volunteering to be a model here at the Canterlot Boutique!” She pauses. “You’ll get the free dress as the flyer promised, when I let you out eventually. Maybe in a year or two… of course, assuming I even remember which one you are by then.”

The tall blue mare gives a giggle and slides the former pony into the open alcove; she was utterly indistinguishable from the rest of the dress forms as Sassy gathers up the detached pieces to take into storage. Saga was alone with her thoughts, reeling yet frozen in place and set to be naught but an object for display in a ritzy Canterlot shoppe…

… Perhaps indefinitely.

Fun little story and pic I made, after feeling like I didn’t mess with with my characters enough. XD
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