created by chiralchimera
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Time for a Public Test

It's been a month since she placed that visor on for me. A month since our third year anniversary. I truly love her, but things were starting to get boring with us. She lost the spark, while I never stopped seeing the fire she was for me. She is still as lovely as she was the day I saw her, drunk off her ass, punching a woman and trying to steal her man. It was then I knew she was a wild stallion of a lass. And I knew that I wanted to tame her. Just as she had captured my heart, burning down all of my defenses, my walls, my rational. If she had ever demanded anything from me, anything, I would gladly give her everything. And a few months ago, she told me she had lost the spark. She wept in my arms as she said she felt like she had lost that fire, that desire to break the rules, the youth to rebel and be the wild whore she loved being at the bar.

We tried a few things to spice up the bedroom. Chains, whips, reverse rolls, cucking, group play, you name it, we probably attempted and dabbled in it. But nothing seemed to stick. About a week before our anniversary, she sat in the bed for an hour, unmoved and just stared at the floor. Finally she spoke such words of utter defeat... "Maybe, I am just not the woman you knew. Maybe, I am just not the woman you loved anymore. Maybe, this is what it means to grow old... How? How can you love a woman who has become nothing but a shell of who she was?"

Laying there, I cowered and pretended to be asleep. A lie. A cowardly lie, from a liar who was lying Her bed... A false man who once grabbed such a woman by the reigns and sought to tame her, break her... And here she was, here I was, broken by time. By morning we had both accepted this reality. One of us accepting it as fate, the other accepting it as only a moment where paths split. I knew that we could continue the path well traveled. We would grow old together. We would grow apart while holding each other close. We could possibly have kids, a family, a busy home of busy bodies, jobs, school, classes, games, vacations, and all the wonderful gifts that come with that classical dream as old as time. Or... We could take the path less traveled.

I was determined to reignite her spark. I was determined to bring back that flame. I was going to bring her from the brink of domestication and give her what she always wanted. I wasn't going to let her fire burn out, but become roaring once again. My friend told me about this new product being sold by Vissor tech, the same corporation known for selling digital tracking software and scanning systems to pilots, navigators, and law enforcement. My buddy said that these new Pavlov visors worked wonders in his marriage with his man. He told me how their personality has changed and the difference was like night and day. From an introverted, unconfident, low leveled employee at a local business, his man is now described as a motivated, excited, determined individual. His man is now a regional manager, and might be moving even higher up the ranks soon. And that timid man he once knew, well... I won't get into what they do in their bedroom. In fact, I probably shouldn't pry anyways. That being said, I thought to myself that if it worked for his partner, perhaps it would work on mine.

And boy did it work! The moment she put it on, I could tell something was happening. She first just stared at nothing for a few minutes, when she first put it on. Then she started to see the world as if with new eyes. She just gawked at everything in wonder for nearly half an hour. I thought I would leave her to her new toy, as I went to get myself some tea. Before the kettle was set on the stove, she was on top of me. Before the kettle could scream, she had already finished me off with those well trained lips. Just as she used to do when we first met. She swallowed. She hadn't swallowed in a year. Wiping her lips, and licking her finger tips, she looked into my eyes, through her visor... And I knew I had my woman back. Every night since then, I have fucked her till she couldn't speak. Every morning, she sucks me dry. Every day I find her having to do laundry. Every load she does is full of soaked and stained panties, shorts, leggings, sweats... I think she even rubbed one off a pair of my own boxers. She's become an absolute sex machine.

The Pavlov Visor comes with an app that I didn't know about until my love showed it to me. It was a little hard to comprehend at start. Apparently It's only unlocked if the wearer wishes to give it to someone. It has rules, terms of service, and several other nicknacks. Strange enough it seams that the more I use it, the of those nicknacks seem to appear. The first thing that it showed was a stat line of some sort. Rating these things on a scale of 1-10 I suspect. BOD 6, INT 8, COG 8, AWA 7, WIL 5, RES 4 That was what it was at start. I have notice that COG has dropped recently to 7 and AWA to 6... After that came a list of Commands. Some are locked, others are presented, and it seems that if used enough, they become permanent. How? I don't know, but who is to look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say.

It's been a month since our anniversary. It has been a month since she placed that visor on. It's been a month, now she sucks cock like it's her favorite breakfast meal. It's been a month, now she walks around the house with vibrators in her pussy, constantly teasing her into a permanent state of arousal. It's been a month, and she can't help but almost cum at every command she begs from me. It's been a month, and here we are! Out here in public. Panties soaked through and through. And here I am playing with the app once again. She originally was hesitant, but once you like up the red and blue, it's like it's all up to you. Once matched, it's as if she will do everything I tell her to. Sometimes the waves spike and become sporadic, but every time they align, she becomes mine. She becomes a play thing to enjoy. It has been a month, and here she is. Cumming her thoughts out publicly. Calling me her master. Nipples so hard, she could chisel stone with them. Breath so heavy, cheeks so flush. All of her wants, her thoughts, her will, her actions, becoming mine with but a mere press of a few buttons. And while I might be having the time of my life pulling her out here, presenting her in public, displaying my control over my love... I know she is as well.

Artist: ChiralChimera
Writer: Twofaceddragon

I think this test has been successful. What do you all think? Quite the relationship the must have... While it might be fucked in some ways, I wouldn't see it is malicious. That all being said, I still think that she should be allowed to take the visor off to truly get her say in such things, just as you should with your partners. Remember, always give them a back door. Give them a means to escape if they need. Safe words are always vital in all play. But until either of you say no, have fun with your day.

As always I can't thank the artists enough for the pieces they make for me. When you get the chance, go check out ChiralChimera , and see the rest of her work. ^.^ If you like this third piece, you won't be disappointed with the other 5 to come. Just don't cum too soon. Enjoy!

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