carolitta, sah-ra, spyro, carolitta, wolf, and etc (the elder scrolls and etc) created by bizzyniz
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"You're Fucked!" Part 2


My eyes had to adjust to the bright studio lights shining from all directions. I was uneasy... Was this already being recorded? Would there be any instructions or are we just thrown right in?
I was not alone in the previously dark room. A handful of other contestants, all women, were by my side. All of us completely naked, as to be expected. Nobody dared to say a word, now that the curtains were open and cameras were watching us.
A purple dragon took initiative, getting up and walking onto the stage, all of us slowly joining her.
Her scales glistened in the spotlights, as if her body was wet. All of our bodies did, as a matter of fact. My fur felt greasy, almost slipping with every step I took, as though I was walking on ice. It must've been some form of lubricant covering everything and everyone, and it had a strong clinical smell to it.

We all lined up on the stage, in a line in front of camera with a glowing red light on it. The camera was remotely operated by a machine, just like the rest of the stage equipment - no studio personnel was to be seen anywhere.
While the rest of us were looking around nervously, the purple dragon seemed the most confident of the bunch, calmly standing there.
I recall other contestants. Another lizard lady and a snake lady were there, although I'm fairly sure there were more of us on stage.

It was at this point I noticed that I was fully erect, despite not feeling aroused in the slightest. They must've given me something to be able to perform better on stage, whatever the game was going to be.
A few meters to our side, I spotted a shiny mat with a varied collection of dildos and butt plugs strewn about. Despite having experimented with anal from time to time, most of them seemed way too large or long to fit.
My throat was dry and I was nervous, but there wasn't much else I could do right now. I could still decide to call it quits at any point during the session. That's why we were doing a "mock show", right?
After standing around for what felt like a minute, a voice started talking to us through a speaker, and a monitor in front of us repeated the spoken information through text.
It was not the voice of the TV narrator I was accustomed to. This one was very short and to-the-point. It said something along the lines of:

"Welcome to You're Fucked!
You may begin once the buzzer sounds.

The game is called PLUGGED OR PLAYED.

1) Use any means to cover the orifices of your body.
2) After TWO minutes, horny tentacles will be released, using your body to incubate their eggs.
3) The contestant with the smallest number of eggs inside them will win.


What? Are they being serious? How?
We all were visibly distraught. What did they mean with any of this? It sounded like a fantasy role play, or maybe something done with sci-fi equipment... Or do horny egg-laying tentacles actually exist?
I couldn't give much thought to any of this, as the buzzer sounded shortly after the explanation finished.

The snake lady started running towards the toys as soon as she could, but immediately slipped on the slippery ground. The lizard girl ran off, not sure where to, but me and the rest of the bunch quickly shuffled over to the toys. A loud ticking noise could be heard every second, making it clear that time was now running.
Two of the contestants were fighting over one of the smaller dildos, as it seemed most practical.
I snagged the first butt plug I could find. It was ribbed and quite large, bigger than anything I played with before. All toys were already covered in lube, making it hard to get a proper hold of them.
After making sure my ass was lubed up, I got a few fingers inside with relative ease. I tried inserting the plug by crouching down over it, but it was too difficult to maintain my balance, making me slip and fall on the ground.
I had to settle with sitting on the floor and just trying to shove it in there, as my time was running short. While I was busy relaxing and slowly pushing, I could watch the rest of the contestants struggle. It felt a bit unfair at the time, being the only one there who had a dick. I thought it would be easier for me.
Each one of the contestants seemed to go for a different hole first, possibly because some of them were more experienced with deep throating or anal?
The lizard girl came back into my view, just now getting started with picking out one of the few toys that were left. I felt sorry for her, it was quite a large and unwieldy toy to take.

The voice came back on and simply said "SIXTY". Half the time is already up, and this stupid plug isn't anywhere close to being inside me yet!?
My ass was stretched to its limit, but I felt that there was still a good bit left to go. Instead of wasting more time on it, I decided to carefully get up while holding it in place with my hand. Needed something for my mouth, except... all the smaller toys were gone? Everyone was quicker to take what they needed, and even if they couldn't make use of it, I wouldn't want to fight them over it! No way these things could fit into my mouth!
That's when the purple dragon came over to me, holding an enormously long but not too thick double-sided dildo in her hand, pointing it towards her and then towards me. Her other hand was also busy pushing multiple oversized toys into her genitals.


I had never done any kind of deep throating, but I was out of options and time. She started by effortlessly shoving the dildo into her mouth, leaving the other half bouncing on her breasts. While she was slowly trying to push it deeper inside, I was merely sucking on the tip. Any attempts to get it deeper inside made me feel like I would throw up. My ass was getting used to the size it was being stretched at, slowly weakening its grip of the plug. I tried pushing it further in, but it hurt too much trying to push it all the way.


I felt like I was done for. My new-found contestant partner seemed to be struggling as well, but everything seemed to fit much more snugly for her. She took a step closer to me, to try and push the dildo deeper into my throat, but I had to pull back immediately. I switched hands to try pushing the plug in with more force, and it finally felt like it got all the way in. This gave me the confidence to try pushing the dildo in my mouth downwards onto my tongue, maybe it would find its way into my throat? Nope, it was hopeless. I could only keep a fistful of dildo in my mouth, any more and my gag reflex kicked in.


...and then nothing. The dragon and I stood still, looking around the room to see what would happen next. Her breathing seemed very strained, likely due to most of her throat being filled with a dildo. Other contestants seemed to be busy in their own ways, though I'm not sure how well off they were. I believe one of them was crying.
Suddenly, a loud thud! Part of the floor in the front of the stage opened up like a trapdoor, releasing a ton of blue and slimy tentacles of varying sizes.
My heart was racing, but I was frozen in place, not capable of moving. Suddenly, I was grabbed by my dragon partner! She tried pulling me closer to get me to swallow more, but I think it actually pushed it deeper into her throat instead. I pulled away and subsequently managed to swallow the dildo deeper by a few inches. It was largely uncomfortable, but the adrenaline kick from seeing the creatures swarm out might've been enough to help me maintain this position.


While I couldn't see much happening around me, one of the contestants could be heard screaming. Her screams quickly got muffled, which meant trouble. At the same time, tentacles started approaching the two of us. They came from below, slowly slithering up our legs, covering everything they touched in a thick, slimy substance.
I made sure to keep one of my hands on my butt plug, while the other stayed on the dildo in my mouth.
Soon, our legs were both completely trapped in multiple tentacles, wrapping around them tightly like a snake. I could feel them squeezing my legs to keep me in their control. Running or kicking were no longer viable.
From watching my counterpart, I could see large tentacles trying to wiggle their way into the genital openings, while smaller tentacles were wrapping around her body and breasts, slowly reaching her neck and head.
It felt like the same exact thing was happening to me, as the hand covering my plug was being pushed around. A tentacle might've been trying to coil around the butt plug, to try and pull it out. It was distracting me, but I kept trying to shove and pull it away, making sure it wouldn't get a good grip.
It also seemed like the double-sided dildo was good enough to deter any tentacles from trying to enter our mouths. Maybe they were too busy elsewhere, or they weren't smart enough to understand how to pull it out? I had other things to worry about.

Out of nowhere, I felt another tentacle coiling around my balls and still erect penis. I should have seen this coming, but I was too focused on the goal of the game to even realize that this was an option for them.
It started rubbing my shaft while gripping it tightly, which felt overwhelmingly good. By swaying my hips, I tried to pull away from it, but it was no use. It even used its tapered tip to rub the head of my dick, which was extremely sensitive at that moment.
Meanwhile, other thicker tentacles have wrapped around our arms as well, making sure we can't yank or shove them away as effectively anymore.
Purple dragon was still holding on, despite smaller tentacles playing with her breasts and sucking on her nipples.
I tried my best, but I couldn't stop myself. After maybe a minute of stimulation, a shot of cum left my violated dick. It landed directly on my partner's body, causing her to look in surprise at me.
More cum dribbled down my dick, but it seemed like the tentacles were pleased and stopped jerking me off. However, if only it ended there. It seems like they realized that there was in fact a hole they've been missing this entire time. The same small tentacle used its tip to explore my dick's head more thoroughly. But this time, it straight up entered my dick hole with little trouble.

What the fuck!? I lost my composure. Out of shock, I pulled back, causing me to lose my balance. The tentacles that were wrapped around my limbs caught me, making sure I didn't fall over. But this new position had left my mouth exposed. All I could say was "Please!", but the dragoness turned away from me, trying to keep the agitated tentacles from completely pulling out the dildo hanging out of her mouth.
It was too late. I felt pressure in my dick as its insides were getting widened, the tentacle going deeper than what felt possible.
Another tentacle found its way towards my head and went straight for my lips. While I was covering my mouth, the tentacle slipped between my hand and my lips with ease, entering my mouth as though there was nothing blocking its way.
I had to close my eyes, I didn't want to believe any of it was real. The slimy tentacle in my mouth somehow did not trigger my gag reflex, possibly due to the substance it was covered in. I felt it entering deeper and deeper, just as with the tentacle in my dick. Pulling on the tentacles did nothing, I felt as weak as if I was dreaming. But I know I wasn't.

The eggs started entering my dick first. They were rubbery, so despite being larger than what I felt like my body could possibly take, they managed to squeeze right in without too much pain. It was uncomfortable not knowing where they were going, or how many of them would enter. Using my hand to squeeze the tentacle as hard as I could did not stop the eggs either, it just made me feel each and every individual egg entering my body, one by one.
Soon after, my mouth started getting the same treatment. It was no use, I had to stay conscious and wait until it was over. I didn't feel anything trying to penetrate my ass anymore, but I sure wasn't going to move my hand away from there in case they saw an opportunity.
My belly was getting filled with much larger eggs. I hoped that meant there would be fewer of them, but it didn't seem to be the case.

I caught a quick glance of the purple dragon, her throat being violated just like my own. She might've been better off, or they might've just gotten started with her, I don't know.
My balls were aching, and my stomach kept bulging further, I don't remember them ever stopping.
The remaining memories of this game faded away. I don't recall how it ended, or that it even ended at all. I don't know, or care, who won. I just knew it was not me. And that had consequences.

  • Comments
  • spyrotheslut said:
    Is this getting an animation?

    Probably not, already took me unreasonably long to set up the scene and write the story. I'm sorry!!

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  • bizzyniz said:
    Probably not, already took me unreasonably long to set up the scene and write the story. I'm sorry!!


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  • bizzyniz said:
    Probably not, already took me unreasonably long to set up the scene and write the story. I'm sorry!!

    This is very well written! 🔥🔥

    Be sure I will watch what's next.

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