ellie (nintendo and etc) created by latiar
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Ellie Ref

Name: Ellie

Species: Cinderace

Gender: Female

Type: Fire

Ability: Blaze

NSFW REF: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45475212/
OUTFITS 1: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45474966/
OUTFITS 2: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45475049/

Bio: Ellie is a cute, energetic and hard working Cinderace. She’s in her early 20s and currently studies at Azure Sky University. She’s mostly a normal Cinderace but has a few unique elements to her design.

She has short, Scorbunny like ears with red tips. Large orange eyes, a fluffy face, a smaller poof of hair on her head, and the gold ornament that rests between her nose and hair has a much smoother/ rounder design to it.

Her body is mostly white, aside from her legs which are blue below the knees. While Lorenzo has red fur around his lower body to give the look of pants, Ellie here is pure white. A balance of two evils, or two cheeks you may say!

Ellie’s blue tufts of fur around her shoulders and legs will flatten down when she wears clothes, so she isn’t limited on choice.

Personality wise she’s always got a smile on her face! A real go-getter, though she can get stressed easily with balancing everything in her life. She does have a cheeky side to her too, and only on those rarer days is she irritable and shouting at every little thing. Just try to stay on her good side.
She can be unsure of herself sometimes and has some self-doubt in her life decisions, or just decisions in general. She may try her best to help in tense situations but doesn’t always say the right things.

She’s known in Stratus city for being one of the fastest on-foot food delivery people out there! She uses her moves Agility for high-speed running and Bounce for large jumps, all to help her in her part-time job! Ellie will be parkouring around the city to deliver you your meal on-time! And somehow not making your order a complete mess.

When she isn’t working, she’s at University or home. Currently she studies Health and Fitness, as well as a back-up course in Environmental Science, which is regarded as one of the most popular courses in the University.

Ellie also does sport at Uni, not really for a career but just cos she loves it!

She adores anything cutesy and loves the color pink.

Story: Ellie grew up just outside Stratus City on the rural side of the mountain that separates the city from the farms. She was always an energetic kid, playing outside with friends and getting dirty. She’s a ray of sunshine and was fairly bright from a young age. Nothing really scared her, and to this day she’s still brave.

Growing up, she never wanted to leave home too far behind. Moving into the city to go to Highschool, then University, only being a bus trip away from going back to her parents.

Ellie was a very popular kid in school, though making strong friendships was always a struggle for her in highschool. Even if she wasn’t too close to others, she was pretty good at standing up to bullies and kicking their butts to help others.

Highschool is where Ellie would really find her love of sports and health, so she aimed to pursue an education in that when she went to University. Her parents suggesting her to take Environmental Science as a backup since its a popular subject in the uni and city as a whole.

While she made a few good friends in Uni, her closest friend is a shiny Lopunny named Kasie, whom Ellie met in the back-up class! Thank you mum and dad! They’re besties for life, and that’s not just cos Kasie is pink!

Ellie would get a small apartment with Kasie near the University, later picking up a food-delivery job to pay for rent and such. Talonflame Take-Away! Ellie would slowly become one of their best employees there, and through her job she knows Stratus city like the back of her hand and every crevice and wrinkle in-between!

. Kasie – A shiny lopunny who’s very sparkly and fluffy. Two bunny girls that are friends. Besties for life!

. Tiara – A blue Latias who works a BIG job in Stratus Cities Green-Energy giant. An odd encounter with a take-away meal that quickly blossomed to a friendship.

. Laurel & Destiny – Laurel is Tiara’s sister, and Destiny is their cousin. Ellie’s decently acquainted with Laurel, but gets along with Destiny more, despite the two Lati’s being lewd as all hell.

. Harmonie – A pretty Hatterene who enjoys the simple things in life. Another of Ellie’s closest friends.

. Clarisse & Maple – While Clarisse isn’t around in Stratus city all the time, she owns a flat there and Ellie has visited her plenty of times. Maple however is much more settled into Stratus city. The calm yet cool Azelf really vibes with Ellie and they hang out occasionally. Maple is a bit lonely and probably just enjoys her company.

. Running and going fast
. Parkouring around the city
. Most sports
. Pink and cutesy things
. Healthy food, mostly vegetables
. Waffles and Ice Cream Sundaes
. Coffee with tons of milk
. Helping others where she can
. Texting friends for hours, even before bed.
. Exploring the city and the rural outskirts
. Winter, when she’s wrapped up well.
. Swimming! (In shallow waters)

. Bullies, she will beat em up
. Writing essays
. Customer complaints
. Those who litter
. Avocados
. Loud noises and shouting
. Strict Rules
. Riding bikes. She… really hates bikes.

Ellie's ref started last year... like near the beginning. It took a WHOLE damn year to get motivated to finish her ref.
Honestly it was her clothes that was the hardest part. And now I feel like I made too many outfits haha!
Another Stratus City ref complete tho~
I kinda wanna work on Rigel next.

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