laressa and phantom (dungeons and dragons and etc) created by menchicutlets
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“Stay here for just a moment, cutie.” 

Phantom shook her head left and right, the simplest way for her to say, “NO” in big capital letters while bound and covered in silk. 

“I’ll be RIGHT back. I  promise not to be long.”

“Hnnnff…” Phan responded with an exhalation of hot breath, and, after a few moments of the spider’s heavy movements, she was alone. The lair was a secret world, hidden away from a normal layer of reality. The outside didn’t matter, and inside, there was no time. Nothing on her agenda, nothing distracting her. Phantom thought that it might be a side effect of some kind of venom or poison excreted by the spider-woman, but she wasn’t sure. She didn’t even think that it could be something else. 

Soft, glowing strands of silk cascaded from the ceiling into delicate webs. Low ambient light filtered through walls and from white glow. The air was warm against her skin, almost a bit humid, and it carried the scent of earth and something sweet. Phantom looked at the silky, shiny walls; it made her think of freshly spun sugar. 

Said walls were all covered in a cocoon-like embrace of silk, hugged, just as she was. Despite it being a rocky tunnel, it felt surprisingly well-kept and luxurious. There was furniture here and there for “guests,” there had been tea and snacks available (though Phantom was in no mood to accept), and the careful crafting of silk on the walls made everything feel comfortable. Soft. Like walking into a boudoir. Most threads were a bit sticky, others more silky, and Laressa could clearly control both. Phantom wondered if the drider woman had made the big plush cushions where she’d been sat originally. They were quite comfortable and soft; she really sank in. The primal nature of a spider’s web with the comfort of a sanctuary. 

But for Laressa, the best of all was the captive in the center. She was on the wall, suspended in a delicate network of spider-webbing. The cocoon was outlined in silk, and the shape of the captive within was… shapely. Curvaceous. On the short side, but full of pep, her breathing a bit rapid as she struggled while on the wall. Light played against her as she squirmed. Her lips covered in some silk, but her entire body from the neck down absolutely, positively, completely coated. The entire room was alive thanks to her, shimmering, moving slightly, vibrating - a spider could always feel their prey anywhere in the lair thanks to those vibrations.


Phantom looked across the wall, and saw clothing. Her clothing. Her shirt, her coat, her stockings and boots. Her clothes, all of which had been very delicately removed and put on the wall, like trophies, so that Laressa could better spin her web. So that the woman could mummify her more perfectly, more adequately. The red-haired captor wanted to highlight every single little curve, every perfect outline of Phantom’s body. It was a care that not every captor showed, nor even every artist - and Laressa was a bit of both.

The almost-sweet scent of perfume was starting to return. Phantom had spent a minute or more squirming in place, to no avail. She remembered that on the way in, she’d seen… other sets of clothes. And she’d been to groggy to see if there were other captives on the walls…

Laressa returned, something in her hand. She was big. Strong. A bit scary. Eight titanic dark magenta spider-arms, and the top half a woman with a delicate milk-and-honey skintone, vibrant red hair and a dress to match. And a very “welcoming” captor, who had treated Phantom with all the luxury of a hotel, all the service of a careful attendant, and all the cruelty of a serial kidnapper playing with her newest captive. 

Phantom shook her head again. Laressa began to gently run her fingers over Phantom’s head even as she quivered.

“Subject 90? Seriously?”

“Mmff…” Phantom raised an eyebrow.

“It’s just… that’s barely a title. Surely you could have come up with a slightly more fun name. Something more intimate. Something fitting of Laressa, of me, at least. Maybe L-1-R-S-A? That would have been cheeky.”

“Mnngfff…” Phantom was busy thinking about how she’d have this spider  wrapped up and locked in exquisitely extreme bondage for a LONG time after she got free. But after just a few more moments of struggling, the thought had passed, and all she could think about was the spider’s hands. They were soft. They were the hands of an artist; the hands of a woman who knew how to touch a captive.

Laressa knew to touch Phantom’s neck. It made her flex her toes and squeak, but it especially made her blush and recoil. Laressa knew that when Phantom did that, it wasn’t that she wasn’t enjoying it. It was that she was enjoying it, almost bashful that this big silken serial kidnapper was so good at intimate touches. Laressa used one of her legs to tug Phantom in closer, and began very gently, very sweetly further wrapping her. That first layer had shrunk a good bit, and now it was time for a very sturdy second layer of silk. A ‘reward’ for being such a good and pretty guest. Something stronger, more artistic… that would do an even better job of showing off her skin. It would tighten around every curve, her cheeks, her legs, between them, to make her look as beautiful while cocooned as Laressa knew she was.

“No words for me, Phantom?”

Phantom had none. It was better this way. She didn’t know what she’d have said anyway. 

When Laressa showed off the long-promised item she’d carried - a big sponge - Phantom was confused, until she realized it was going into her mouth. “That should keep you satiated for a long while, an old drider’s recipe.”

SURELY, Phantom thought, she’d been poisoned. Poisoned by some kind of aphrodisiac that was now racing through her system. No other way that she was now feeling so hot, so steamed up, so incredibly hot and heavy from this woman’s touch. She felt weak in the knees, which was good, since she was suspended to the wall and couldn’t walk away. Though she did still gently moan and mewl and kick, picked up off the wall and now very gently, but firmly, held in Laressa’s grip.

“There there… we don’t need any words.” Laressa’s eyes closed. So did Phantom’s. She felt the spider’s breath exhaling along her neck. Her cheek. It was unfair. Phantom mewled something between stuffed, sweet lips. 

“Hggg hhhghg nnrrgg..” 

Unable to get free. Though if she was really thinking, she wouldn’t want to. Her eyes fluttered as Laressa’s long tongue licked at her neck, then went in for the gentlest of nibbles. She felt herself twitching, felt her synapses up and down her spine. The tightness and tautness of her being, held in place with the gentle embrace of silk. All these little strands together forming something completely unbreakable; not just in her body, but in her will. No need to get away now. 

Laressa kissed her sealed lips. In the same motion, she started to wrap Phantom’s face. She liked seeing her eyes, she really did. But she also knew that Phantom was only going to become more of a sweet guest when fully wrapped. When she was totally and completely sealed up, it would  make her absolutely spellbound. Tethered to her aura, a puppet to Laressa’s desires. 


The kiss. It was long. It was deep. Phantom’s lips were so ‘tasty’ beneath a layer of silk. Her emotions were exquisite. The heat was unbearably good. Laressa held her closer, pulling her up so that they could touch each other. Chest against chest, lips against lips, Phantom’s head posed just so. Both of them, nuzzling, nosing, more than just a kiss, something more passionate. Phantom didn’t even think of any excuses this time. She just thought that she wanted more

Laressa was eager to give more. As she finished wrapping up the beautiful Phantom, she knew that this was the beginning of a very long and special  relationship. 


Many years ago, Menchi commissioned me to do this story. Since then, we've become good friends, but we never had a scene where Phantom and Laressa really "meet," at least with the modern day version of Phantom. And besides, there's a certain intimate affection I really wanted to show off. 

Story link:

Image, of course, is by the wonderful Menchicutlets :)

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