athkore (european mythology and etc) created by takesu
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A Pawsetive New Life (scraps removed)

(Description by Dragoneye11)

A stunning pic made by the amazing Takesu small story by me.

Ath ended up buying a very amazing looking crystal dragon statue from a shady looking back ally shop. The hooded salesman promised that all items in the shop were amazing treasures rescued from temples an vaults of lost civilizations. Course Ath didn't take it fully seriously when the clerk only asked for $5 for the very articulate crystal statue that figured was battery powered since it glowed. He payed the man who smiled an told him i think you'll enjoy your purchase, let it give you a new outlook on life. Ath thanked the man an headed home, once there he set the statue on the table in his room an sat next to it wanting to look it over. Never happened though as the statue started to glow brighter then it ever had before. Ath was overcome with energy as it coursed through his body, his body felt like soft clay an was changing. Not in a bad way mind you it actually felt pleasurably pleasant, it felt like he was getting bigger. Some foreign knowledge began to slip into his mind, a civilization that had once been of bipedal dragons that had developed magic an technology that were lost to the ages as there empire was destroyed by massive natural disasters. In a last ditch effort to save there kind they made the very special silicon crystal into various statues, in hopes that in the future other species would find them an be transformed into there kind with the full collective knowledge given to the finder so that they could find survivors an maybe restart what was once lost or help the future generation if none could be found. Course to make it worth there while the victim to fin these would be given the best there species had to offer. Meanwhile all this was going on in Ath's head back in his room his body was getting bigger, new sinew swelling into his body, his clothes tearing an popping as they were to small to contain the Dragon he was soon to become. His shoes swelled like balloons till a moment later rubber an leather bits flew everywhere as his new scaled clawed toes burst from the shoes remains. His shorts were reduced to scraps as his massive hips grew beyond there means an his chest did the same to his shirt. Thankfully his boxers were a very stretchy spandex an stretched taught to his new dragon family jewels leaving a very prominent bulge in them. Two limbs grew from his back which quickly elongated an developed into his new flight giving wings an a third limb growing from above his buttocks rapidly lengthening into a strong thick tail that thankfully missed getting caught in his boxers or would have rendered them to shreds as well. Once his size reached its peak an his feet grew into massive form fitting paws the change finally ended. Ath was stunned he wiggled his massive clawed toes, he flexed his massively scaled body an whistled to the massive package outlined in his boxers. This was gonna take some getting used too but damn was he sexy. He wanted to explore every issue of his body now... but then he's need to see if he could find others of his kind. hopefully they were not gone as they feared an then could have some fun with thems. The hooded figure might know, he would need to head back there, maybe at night till he could travel without getting seen. World not ready to see there kind again but maybe someday soon. (end?)

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