lapis created by stylish apollo
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She hisses and twirls her fork-like tongue, looking down at the helpless soldier who just couldn't help himself. Queen Lapis caught a not-so-sneaky fellow peeping in on her private chamber, an occurrence not too uncommon for someone of her stature and position. With her being a Naga, she uses her unique anatomy to subdue the perverted, lowly soldier. Normally, being squeezed by a snake's tail with the force of several hundred pounds would have any man gasping for life, but not this little red viper. If anything, he hoped his Queen would coil him harder, somewhat to her delight. Her majesty leans over him, her scaly blue breasts hanging just out of the lad's reach. She whispers ever so gently, "One does not ssssimply peer into his Queen's chamberssss and not expect to receive consequencessss..." Almost as if he were a personal pet, she playfully tapped him on his helmet while she tightened her grip on his torso. He was completely immobilized, yet unfazed by her godlike grip. Likewise, she took notice of his acclimation to pressure and leaned into his supposed fetish. Now, one thing must be set straight: the Queen of the Blue Flame and her body are off limits. But for this occasion, well, she was in a good mood, so she could let it sssslide. She gave one of her signature villainous laughs, "Hmhmhmhm, perhaps you desired a closssser look at your Queen's grandeur? Then get nice and closssse, and be sure not to ssssuffocate, my little soldier.~" Ah, such a twisted, pitiful fate to befall any man who dare cross the Queen. To be outright dominated by a woman four to five times his size, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to feel. And yet, so many still wish to tempt such fate. But I digress...who shall come forth to challenge thy Queen next?

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