noelle holiday (undertale (series) and etc) created by strawbebbykitty
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lets be Noelle together (1,909 words)


Noelle had many plans.

Plans focused around Susie, as well as the town itself.

Her recent dark world escapade had borne fruit.

Who knew that both Susie and Kris were unaware of the existence of locks - The cupboard was just left like they’d found it, ready for anyone to accidentally stumble and fall inside.

Noelle had, of course, done the sensible thing and ensured she had said lock attached quite firmly, eyes glancing around every five seconds as she struggled through the basic guidebook.

Still, she had the key now.

With a bit of pushing, knowledge too, if she was lucky!

Entering it soon after, she made sure to lock the door, just to ensure nobody could sneak in.

Ralsei was…

Exceptionally helpful.

Overbearingly so, in fact.

While he wasn’t one for relationship advice, once her thoughts had turned towards the more…

‘Ethical’ ways of removing her competition, Ralsei offered an alternative solution.

He was ‘unable to stop following the Lightner’s will’.

Not out of some spell or otherwise, but because of his obsession with Kris and the prophecy, for whatever reason.

…Honestly, Noelle found it a bit creepy.

Ralsei wouldn’t stop talking about the soul for over an hour, as well as viewing the human as merely a ‘vessel’.

Finally, she’d managed to steer the conversation back and…Try a spell he offered.

All she had to do was cast it, and focus on removing Ralsei’s desire to obey the lighteners.

Casting the spell on him, her thoughts drifted briefly towards Susie, and how she needed help quite a bit.

…If only there were two of her…

The fluffy goat’s expression changed to shock as the red beam turned a mixture of flashing red, green and brown.

In his place was Noelle.


Holding her brown-furred hands to her face was a shock, mind completely surprised as she looked directly at her sister.



She paused, looking forward at her sister for a few moments, trying to recollect her thoughts.

What was she doing…Ah!

Helping her sister out, of course!

Of course, her sister was in the usual white dress as she tended to wear when entering the dark world…

Adjusting her red and green jumper slightly, as she put on a beaming smile, Noelle happily began to chat to her sister.

“Anyways, just make sure to cast that spell while focusing on what object you want them to be! Oh, and-”

The former Ralsei continued speaking, words bubbly, eager and energetic.

Facts and information was clearly stated, ensuring Noelle was completely aware of every bit of information, despite her befuddled mind at the messed up spell.


“Hope that helps, sis! Noelle-2 is ready whenever you need me!”

…That answered her naming confusion.

Noelle-2 didn’t exactly look at all like a Ralsei, anyhow.

“Does…That make me Noelle-1, then?”

Noelle-2 giggled for a moment, before shaking her head.

“Of course not, Noelle! You’re the ‘important surface sister’ after all! Now, do you want to practise? There’s tons of folks down here we can try it out on!”

For a few moments, Noelle looked almost close to saying no…

…Noelle-2 looked so happy, though.

So nice, smiling and, well…

Maybe…One try?

Carting over a massive pile of Noelle-themed objects towards the exit, Noelle happily waved off to Noelle-2 with a dual-blush at the mention of Susie.

Any worries she had, or thoughts against the spell had long since faded.

One long ‘girls night out’ had certainly worked wonders on her confidence.

Who knew the best person to be friends with was yourself?

Noelle sure knew!

As a gift, she even turned King and Queen into Noelle-3 and 4, so Noelle-2 would have some sisters to chat and do stuff with!

What kind of sister would leave another in an empty kingdom?

Not her, for sure!

Renovating her room was pretty easy and quick.

Sure, she was missing some stuff and her mother, the mayor, kept interrupting her and interrogating her on why she’d been ‘missing all day’...

Noelle-5 sure sped things up!

Yeah, her dad was a worry too - So, she went over and in one cute, hugging reunion, Noelle-6 was created, happily helping move all the stuff around home.

After a long day, the three of them had renovated the whole house just as they wanted it!

Green and red, christmas-like wallpaper, mixed with brown, wooden, solid objects.

Even a bit of gold, to match their golden-blond hair!

Sure, they ran out of the special ‘Noelle-transformed’ chairs, tables and otherwise before long…

Nothing a quick trip out-of-town couldn’t solve!

Two cars going back and forth later, the difficult task ensured the need for Noelle 7, 8 and 9, ensuring the whole house was furnished, all Noelle-themed and cute.

Reaching for the phone as the others cleaned and cooked, the place was all set for the ‘important part’ of the plan to begin.

“Hey, Berdly? It’s Noelle, do you want to come over and help me study?”

“Well, Noelle, I hope you’ve gotten over that crush of yours…Everyone smart knows a gamer girl deserves a gamer guy such as myself. Gamers should stick together, after all..”

Noelle was already biting her teeth.

How had she put up with him so long?

They’d been friends, sure, but…

He was just annoying to listen to, nasally voice filled with false, shoved-in-arrogance.

Frankly, she didn’t know how she made do without the other five Noelles, and the other three sisters ‘ruling’ the dark world.

“...Follow me, Berdly.”

Still, he followed as she walked upstairs and opened the door to her room, his eyes staring intently at every detail over-focused on herself and a certain holiday.

…Weirdly, she even felt a bit embarrassed.

“Pfft, it’s March, maybe it’s time to take down the decorations?...Gee, you’re quieter than Kris today, huh, Noelle.”

She knew he didn’t really mean it to come across that rude, but…

Pointing at the bed, she watched as he walked over, setting the textbooks down.

Charging her spell, she waits for him to finish ‘aligning’ them.

Finally, he began to turn back around, her hands shooting out the brown spell full-force.

Berdly had only a few seconds to react as the blast struck him, body moving still as he looked in shock.

Opening his mouth, he tried to yell, wondering what ‘fancy lights’ she’d hit him with.

“Noelle…Let’s study Together!

Berdly’s attempt at speaking had rapidly changed, body turning a different colour, as his feathers shifted into patches of soft, brown fluff.

Once again, he tried to desperately speak out, trying to get her to stop whatever it was she was doing.

“N-Let’s study Together!”

His ears had changed into long, brown, fluffy ones, with cutesy small horns pushing out of long, golden-yellow hair.

Every bit of clothing had changed into simply a black skirt, as well as a chequered red and green jumper, ending in black sleeves.

Within moments, he’d shifted into a copy…

She’d shifted into a copy.

Trying to let out another call only led to another repetition, yet…

She couldn’t stop herself…

“Let’s study, Together!”

Closing her eyes, she tried to spare herself from the sight and panic, body moving to stand more upright, as she tried to gesture, desperate for the deer’s attention.

“So, are you doing well? Hope the transformation’s doing well.”

…She couldn’t stop herself from giving a thumbs up, mouth opening in an empty, wide smile, as she spoke once again.

Her left hand was pressed against her side as she spoke again…

“Let’s study Together!”

Speaking for the last time, her mind felt…weirdly confused?

…Was she…


Eyes closed, is that her…


Lets Study Together!

Her smile held up, eyes closed still as she felt a burst of energy, speaking out…Somehow.

Sure, she wasn’t saying it out loud, but, hey, hopefully she was giving her sister a helping emotional boost, so she wouldn’t be studying alone!

Lets Study Together

Smiling endlessly, Noelle-Standee was happy to help her sister study!

What good sister wouldn’t?

Kris was next.

She knew they’d be hard to deal with…

Naturally, the easy solution was to send them on a wild goose-chase, before locking them inside the dark world, ensuring her sisters could handle them with a spell-blast!

Even if they escaped, they’d be forced to re-enter the dark world thanks to the locked door, meaning her plan was completed!

Susie knocking on the door, all the other Noelles blushing as they made themselves scarce, it was finally time!

“So, dork, what is it? I’m trying to hunt for Kris and you interrupted my search.”

…Noelle was lost.

Was Susie always this…

“Ah, uhm, y-yeah, I’ve got some stuff, uh, in my room.”

Blushing intensely, she slowly gestured for Susie to follow her, only realising she’d been ignored.

“Well, go get it. I can wait here, I’m not interested in your dweeb-parade. I can smell it from here.”

…That was annoying.

It made her blush a bit, admittedly, but not as much as in the past.

The showering of compliments and general ‘positivity’ going on with her sisters certainly made all of this seem far less appealing.

Standing there for a few moments, staring, Susie finally relented and followed her inside, glaring daggers at the heavily christmas-filled, cutesy deer-walls.

Her room was not that far away, arriving near where the former Berdly stood on ‘study-watch’, as she gestured, showing off her room.

“W-Well…This is my room. I hope you like it…”

Awaiting a response, she was taken off guard as the purple dinosaur just scoffed.

“Yeah, whatever, it’s about as dorky as you. Now, where’s Berdly? I can smell that dweeb from here.”

…Noelle was quite fed up.

Was Susie really like this?

Kris-Obsessed, crass, rude, and…

She kinda smells pretty bad, too.

Her keen sense of smell clearly was used to that…

Pretty awful odour she had, and the mention of Berdly finally helped make up her mind.

Susie was blasted with a brown-beam moments after.

On the moment of impact, her body transformed into an identical copy.

That red and green jumper with black-sleevs, a skirt, golden-yellow hair, soft brown fur…

Susie was utterly taken off guard, surprised but already outright beginning to walk over, intent on punching her sister out of-

…Her sister?

One step forward sent her plummeting down, the expectation of a hard impact only making a cutesy, plushy ‘plop’ noise.

Falling forward, she soon lost control as fluff turned to cutesy plush, left eye turned into but a simple brown button as she could only look up in shock.

“D-Don’t worry, uh, Noelle. I’ll, uh…Be sure to hug you a bunch! And cuddle you! It’s not like you were doing anything that’d succeed, anyhow.”



…What was she thinking about, again?

Her sister! She had to hug, cuddle and comfort her!!!!

With a bright internal smile, the Noelle-plush happily enjoyed and tried to send ‘comforting vibes’ towards the blushing deer as she moved, setting the new plush on the bed, behind the cardboard cutout.

It seemed that there were no longer any reasons to make more Noelles, for now at least.

Though, admittedly, Noelle knew she probably had gone a bit too far.

Blushing as she looked across her room, spotting the countless Noelle-tf’d objects, eyes catching a glimpse of various other Noelles smiling at her from their hiding-spots, she knew, at least, there’d be her and her sisters.

Why would she need anyone else?

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