judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia 2 and etc) created by dirtyredpaint
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I just saw the leaked Zootopia 2 clip and had this idea in my mind.


After dinner Judy looked at her phone.

J: Nick, we have to get moving if we don't want to be late.
N: Ofcourse.
J: Are you dreesing in that nice new pink shirt?
N: If you like it, I'll do.
J: It suits you well, but it's maybe a smitch to small. Not that I'd complain.
N: Har Har. Carrots, take a deep breath.

Judy stood infront of her mirror and looked at herself as she slid her finger over her boobs, following the contours of her stretching bra showing trough the fabric of her shirt.
She smirked at herself, taking a deep breath and watched her shirt stretch as her chest rose. Sliding her fingers down her breasts onto her belly, feeling her thick and hard abs. Just above her belly button her shirt ended, revealing her midriff, rock hard abs covered with the soft fluffy fur of a rabbit.

"I swear, you are the hottest doe on planet" Judy thought to her self "If I could, I would fuck myself into oblivion."

Raising her hands behind her head, flexing her upper body's muscles, starting to belly dance in front of the mirror. The doe was ripped out of her train of thought by two massive and wide orange and brown paws taking hold on her hips, then she felt a massive bulge pushing against her butt. Then there was the snout of her favourite fox pushing trough the triangle made from her bizep, forearm and head. With a grin Judy locked Nick's snout in place by squeezing it with her arm.

N: If we want to go to the cinema, stop this show. You know we'll miss the movie if I knot you.

Nick knew his was to get his muzzle free. Gently he slid his handpaw over her hip down her groin in front of her thigh gap. Extending his middlefinger right below her pussy he started to lift her up. The increasing pressure against her puss made her moan and released bodytension. Nick pulled his muzzle out ouf the crusher and pulled his finger away from her puss. He grabbed massive hips and turned her around just to grope her butt cheeks again, lift her and rest her on his package. He turned around and started heading for the door. Judy's breast resting on Nick's pecs.

N: I remember times when there was less between us and kissing was easier.
J: Do I hear complains?
N: Nope

Judy grabbed Nick's head, pulled it closer and gave him a kiss. She felt his tongue filling her mouth. Deep in their french kiss, they heared Skye

S: Have fun in the movie.

Skye was sitting on her sofa, her room dark, only luminated by the screen of her tv connected to her Playstation 2 showing the map of Rockport, one beige arrow and lots and lots of red white blue flashing arrows.

J: Wanna join us? It's the late night performance. Dark, not much crowd, if the movie sucks, enough privacy to make out.
S: Thanks, but we're good. I'm busy fighting my way through the black list, and he's busy...

Skye grinned and gestured Nick to come over. He put Judy back on her feet and both entered Skye's room, coming closer to the sofa, looking over Skye's shoulder.
There was Jack, sleeping, hugging her white bushy tail, his muzzle burried in the fur on her breast, muffled snoring. Skye whispered

S: It's so cute, isn't it?
J: Awwwwwwwww, indeed.
N: Carrots, why do I never get the chance of such a nap?
J: Maybe because you are always awake longer?
S: Go, you'll miss your movie.

Nick and Judy left and walked a few blocks until they reached the cinema. As soon as they hit the ticket counter they faced the next problem. There was a rule about mammal races and seat sizes. Despite their massive sizes, comparable to elephants and hippos, they only could buy tickets for seat designed for smaller mammals.
The clerk wasn't caring about the size differences.

C: No, the rules say foxes and rabbits are small mammals so either small mammal seats or no movie.
J: But, I mean, it's obvious, look at us, we need large mammal seats.

Judy was gesturing and pointing out their sizes.

C: Listen lady, I don't give a single f about that.
N: Alright. We'll have 4 seats in a row as much in the back and as much on the side as possible.
C: Let me take a look, 4 seats in the third last row.
N: We'll take it.

After they had passed the ticket booth, the next stop were snacks.

J: I remember those Jumbo cups much larger.

After a short buying spree Nick and Judy found their way into the cinema hall. They were in a corner of the hall designated for small mammals, sticking out like a sore thumb.

J: This is going to be tight.
N: Let me go first and make way.

Nick stepped into the row of seats, due to his size he had to walk in one row with his left leg and the next row with his right leg. The other people were ducking to let Nick pass over them and to not get hit by Nick's balls. Judy followed him.

N: Excuse me, sorry, I'm sorry, excuse me.

Some seats later Nick had reached their seats he carefully took seat. The seat was tight, to small, one seat for each butt cheek, his package resting on the back rest up front. The middle arm rest crumbling under his weight.
He leaned over to a white doe sitting in front of him, she was already intimidated by Nick's massive package almost pushing her forward. Nick leaned over. That was to much for the back rest which cracked and splintered beneath the fabric.

N: Ma'am, I'm sorry for intruding so much in your personal space but I've no room to go elsewhere. And would you mind sharing your seat with my foot? I'm sorry if it seperates you from your boyfriend. But we might swap places on your seat.

She wasn't able to answer as Nick shoved her to the side with his foot, resting it on her seat. Judy still on her way. Judy was facing almost the same problems as Nick, but instead of a ball sack breaking the furniture in front, her rear end was not just crunching the middle armrest, it was breaking the arm rest right and left as well. Instead of a young couple like Nick, she had a group of guys in front of her. With a smirk Judy placed her feet on the seats in front of her. One foot rested directly on a raccoon and the other next to a cat. She bend over.

J: Hey, I noticed you taking videos on my foot on your lap. I don't mind, if you like my foot I'll keep it there. Worship it, and if you unzip your pants when the light's dim out I'll gift you with a foot job.

After a few minutes the lights went down for the trailers and commercials to start. Judy heared 3 pants unzip. She grinned and whispered to Nick

J: I wonder if I can milk those boys dry,

Nick looked over her leg down at her feet. Her toes already in two pants

N: I bet you can. Make'em sore and dry and don't keep their clothes in one piece.

He whispered back with a toothy grin as the movie started.

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