setta flamowitz (european mythology and etc) created by planktonheretic

Alien invaders and cosmic entities were not unknown in New Horizon. Usually it was alien robots for all the heroes to smash, or one particular hero would get pestered by a being of reality-altering power until they solved a riddle or found the needle in the haystack or whatever cockamamie demand the being brought along. But the Tournamaster was different. He didn't limit himself to just one hero. Or even just heroes.

His ten-mile-long starship showed up, and he just took over the airwaves. All of them. Everything that could possibly receive a signal, including metal fillings, brought his announcement along to the world. "GREEEEEETINGS, BEINGS OF EARTH! I am the Tournamaster! And your world is next to join... THE COSMIC TOURNAMENT! Your beings of power will battle for glory, for dignity, for honor, for the right to join the NEXT level of the COSMIC TOURNAMENT! Watch in glee as the battles begin... NOW!"

There was no preparation time. Heroes, villains, and super-powered non-aligned types alike were instantly transported to the Tournamaster's ship. Whether or not they'd been in costume or even sleeping at the time, they were fully equipped and wide awake as each arrived in a separate chamber - rather like a cramped but functional cruise ship bedroom, to await their turn in battle.

That included Dr. Setta Flamowitz, the Iron Dragon. She appeared in her full armor, with her standard loadout equipped. Stun bolts, a force blaster, mini-missiles, anti-magic shields, anti-psi shields, anti-warper shields, anti-teleport shields, a few other ray types, and a solid mix of kinetic absorption and physical amplification. She could take on most potential opponents with that collection of gear pretty reliably.


She'd never seen the guy she was up against in the first round. Her suit couldn't provide any information, either. A koala guy wearing mostly body paint, who apparently didn't speak any language she knew, so she couldn't even get his name, let alone his hero/villain stance. He used some kind of bass chanting to summon massive rock golems from the floor, which she could blast to bits easily enough, but took time and blocked her from getting a clean shot on him. The dust they kicked up when she blasted them apart limited her visibility, as well.

He couldn't keep it up forever, though, and the stone golems weren't wearing her down. Eventually she got her chance and sent a stun blast his way. He rocked in place, eyes closing, though the chanting continued. And then he just... faded away.

Setta looked warily around the arena. Somehow she knew he had to still be inside, that leaving was impossible. Same way she'd just known that fighting was the only answer as soon as she arrived, that trying to negotiate would be fruitless. But her sensor suite couldn't pick up anything.

As she scanned around the room for signs of the koala, her mind began to wander. The stone dust underfoot was a wide-open plain. She was wandering aimlessly around, looking for the koala. Her armor wasn't there, just her. She finally spotted him, and began to walk toward him. A boomerang he'd thrown before letting her see him slammed into the back of her head. She collapsed. Before losing consciousness entirely, she noted that apparently the Dreamtime was neither psionic nor magical. But being knocked out there knocked her out in the physical world too.

She came to, stark naked, with a fat intruder buried in each nether orifice. Her arms were encased from mid-forearm to hands inside a tight rubbery-feeling grip; her wings were held tight as well. Her legs were held just below the knee, keeping her tilting forward with legs spread. A heavy collar around her neck supported a metal bar in her mouth, forcing her to keep her head lifted. In the mirror on the opposite wall, she could see herself there, on a black plaque with 'IRON DRAGON' over her head, her helmet displayed as a trophy underneath her. And a little green light activated between her knees, saying simply 'ON.' The toys in Setta's privates began to thrum. Not buzz, not tingle, but thrum, a powerful surging feeling driving up inside her.

In that mirror she could see other supers as well. At least the ones nearest her.

It had to be the Tournamaster's power, but Setta knew exactly what she was looking at. The ones who lost in the first round, but fought well enough to be entertaining. To be worth showing off in their defeat. Anyone who just got blown away in seconds wasn't worthy of keeping around for the rest of the competition. But the valiant conquered, those were proper trophies.

The two thrumming phallic shapes felt like they were far, *far* deeper inside than they should have been able to reach, plunging those potent waves of conquest through Setta's body. She couldn't stop herself from responding. Glaring forward, red-faced, she began to cum for her conqueror, inner muscles spasming and ass clenching as the sheer power of victory inside her demanded she show due honor to the one who beat her.

And there were a lot more battles to go just to finish the first round. They were just the 'worthy' picks out of the first twenty fights. There were hundreds and hundreds of competitors who hadn't started. And of course there was only one battle at a time, for everyone to watch. The winners were free to roam the ship, it turned out. And to admire the trophy collection.

Setta couldn't keep herself from cumming every time the koala came by. And from the smirk on his lips, he knew it.

Art by PlanktonHeretic , Setta and story by me!

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